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It has been almost two months since I have been on my tour. It is such a great experience. I have met many fans and I have reached places where I never thought I would visit. Today is my last day on tour. After my performance in Hazardville, tomorrow I will be going back home. I was at the backstage preparing for a performance. My assistant Jasmine came to me and said "Ma'am there is someone who wants to see you." "Jasmine, you know I don't have time to meet anyone right now. I only have ten minutes to get on that stage and people are eagerly waiting for me." I told her as the makeup artist was doing his final touches on my face. "Um...he insisted on seeing you." She said. Who could it be?

"Five minutes! Only five minutes!" I said and she rushed to call whoever wanted to see me. I was shocked to see Jeffrey coming with Jasmine. "Hey sis." He said. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I missed him. "Ma'am you are ruining your makeup." The makeup artist said. I got up and Jeffrey pulled me into a tight hug. I couldn't hold my tears. I even cried more. "I am sorry I left you. I missed you so much. When I heard you are in Hazardville I had to come meet you. I promised to go on tour with you. Here I am." He told me.

"Ma'am you only have five minutes left. You need to get on stage." Jasmine said. I pulled away from the hug and told him "I am glad to see you." The makeup artist made my face and I went on stage. The crowd went crazy. There were so many people. A thousand? Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? I don't know but they were a lot. As I began to sing suddenly the power went off. It was dark everywhere. I started panicking but the crowd used their phones as lights. I was surprised they started singing every song of mine and that brought me to tears. After a while the power came back and I continued with my performance. So far this was my best performance. I didn't want my tour to end.

As I was about to finish my performance I saw Ryan coming from backstage. Scott, Douglas, Skylar and Dominique were behind him. I was so happy to see my friends and the love of my life supporting me on the tour. Tonight was great. First, my baby brother and now Ryan, his friends and my best friend. He came to the stage and people shouted and screamed. He looked so handsome. He had a fresh haircut. He came close to me and I stopped singing. He looked me into my eyes and I noticed he was a bit nervous about something.

"Aurora. I...I-I know we never met on good terms. I was such a jerk to you. I don't know why but when I got to know you. You're such a sweet and wonderful woman. So loving, caring and beautiful both inside and outside. I never apologized for being a jerk to you. Please forgive me and I am asking for one thing." He said that then dug his hand in his pocket and took out a small black box. He opened it and I saw a big beautiful diamond engagement ring.

"Wheel you marry me?" He asked me that. I covered my mouth with my hands. Tears blinded my eyes. Everyone was quiet. I looked at the crowd and someone shouted "C'mon! Say yes already." I smiled and said "Yes! Yes! I will marry you." He took my hand and put that beautiful diamond ring on it. The crowd went Gaga. Everyone was so happy for me. I was so happy for myself. I pulled his wheelchair close to me, knelt down and kissed him. I kissed him so hard. He left the stage and it was time to sing my last song.

"I am going to sing a special song dedicated to my love and all the lovely couples in here." I turned to look at Ryan and he winked at me. I smiled and said "I gonna sing I choose You." When I said that, the crowd shouted and I started singing. It was so good because the crowd joined me and sang along. When the song ended, the crowd cheered, shouted and clapped.  "Thank you so much Hazardville. It was so good to be here. See you next time. I love you all." I said that and left the stage.

Backstage it was like everyone was waiting for me.  When I got there Skylar pulled me into a hug and said "Congratulations for being engaged. I am happy for you darling." "Thank you sweetie." I told her. People kept congratulating me. "I am happy for you sis." Jeffrey said. "Thank you, love." I hugged him. It was my best night. It was time to go back home. I didn't want to go with people from the tour. So I drove with Ryan.

"I can't believe you are my fiancée." He told me. I looked at him then at a huge diamond ring on my hand and said "Me too my darling." "I thought you were taking me home." I said when I saw him driving past my house. "Yeah, I am taking you home." He told me. Forty minutes later we parked in front of a very beautiful condo. "What are we doing here baby?" I asked him. He smiled at me and said "We are home my love."

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