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My phone was ringing which made me wake up. Who is calling me this early? I stretched my hand until I reached the night stand and grabbed my phone. I opened my eyes and checked on my screen to find Jeffrey calling me. I sat on my bed first and then answered his call. "Hey Jeffrey" I said excitedly. "Hey sis. How are you?" He asked me. "I am fine. How are you? How is school?" I asked. He sighed then said "I am good. I am almost done with my semester."  "Wow! That's really great. I am proud and happy for you." I said. He stayed quiet then said "I am happy you started recording songs. I can't wait for your album." "Aww...thank you darling." I said with a wide grin. "So, how's Crystal?" I suddenly asked him. "Um...uh...Er...s-she is fine." He replied. Well, I know he is dating her but he won't tell me. Anyway I am happy that my baby brother has a girlfriend. "Uh...I was just checking on you. In two weeks time I will be writing my finals. So, I have to go study. Bye!" He said that and hung up.

I am so happy to hear from my brother. It has been a long time. I got out of bed, showered and made myself French toast nuggets for breakfast. After I took my notebook and pen, I started writing some lyrics. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I went and opened the door and Ryan was there looking good with a bouquet of roses in his hands. "Hey." I said happily. "Hey beautiful. How have you been?" He asked. "I have been great! Please come in." I told him and he got in. He gave me a bouquet of roses and said "For the most beautiful woman." I smiled shyly and whispered a thank you. When we reached my living room he said "Hmm...someone was busy writing a new song." I looked at him with a smiley face and said "Yeah, I was trying to write something." " Did I interrupt you? know I can just go." He said as he started leaving. "No! No! Please stay. I enjoy your company." I told him that I regretted that. "Wow, do you really enjoy my company?" He asked with a smirk.

" you want me to get you anything? Water, juice, soda?" I tried to change the topic by ignoring his question. He looked at me and smiled then said "Juice please." I left immediately to the kitchen and got him some juice. "Here." I gave him a glass of juice. He took it from my hand and brushed my fingers with his on purpose. I somehow jumped from his touch. He just smiled and took a sip from the glass. God! I didn't know Ryan Tyler could make drinking juice look so sexy. "Are you done watching me?" He suddenly asked. " wasn't watching you." I stammered. He smiled then came close to me "You know you are not a good liar." He said and that made my legs feel weak. What is this guy doing to me?

I moved away from him. "Aurora, I don't bite." The way my name rolled on his tongue. It sounded like the most perfect name in the world. I looked at him and smiled shyly. He kept the glass on a table that was close to him and came close to me. I am trying my best to stay away from him but he keeps coming close. "Come to my house with me." He said. Is he out of his mind? I can't go to his house. His mum will probably kill me or something. "You know I can't come to your house." I told him. "My parents aren't around. They went on a business trip." He said. I sighed and said "I can't." "Please." He begged. I shook my head as a no. "Please Aurora." He begged again. Wow! Who knew one day Ryan Tyler would be begging me to go to his house and he looked so handsome. He gave me these puppy eyes and I couldn't say no. " Okay! I will go with you but only for an hour." I told him. "Yes!" He said and I just shook my head.

We went to his house and it was so quiet. A mid aged woman came to us and asked "Mr. Ryan can I get you something?" "No Mildred. When I need something I will let you know." He told her and she left. "Come, I wanna show you something." He told me and I followed him until we reached the door and he opened it. We went in and the room was filled with different dresses on mannequins and designs. Some dresses were complete and others were not. "Your mum's office. What are we doing in here?" I asked him surprisingly. He went and grabbed this beautiful maroon dress which was on a chair and said "Two days ago my mum made this dress. When I saw it I just knew it would look perfect on you. Please Aurora can you try it?" He asked me.

"Your mum will be so furious." I told him. "Uh...she won't have to know." He said with a wink. This guy is really getting me into trouble. I went and took the dress from his hands. It felt so good in my hands I can't imagine how it would feel on my body. "What are you waiting for? Please put it on." He said. "Fine! Can I get some privacy?" I asked him and he gave me his puppy eyes. "No! Go out." I told him. "Okay! Okay!" He said that and left. I undressed and wore a maroon dress. I went to a mirror that was on a wall.

I touched the dress and it fit me so perfectly. Omg! I look really pretty. "Can I come in now?" He shouted from outside. I took a deep breath and said "Yeah..sure." The door opened and he came in. When I turned to face him his jaws dropped. "You look so beautiful babe." He told me. Babe? When did we start calling each other those names? I looked at him and smiled shyly. "I am serious. You look so beautiful and you are the most beautiful woman ever." He said. I exhaled and said "thank you." with a polite smile plastered on my face. He kept staring at me which made me feel so uncomfortable. "Uh...can I change now?" I asked him. "Y-Yeah, you can." He said and left.

After putting on my clothes. I opened the door and he was there waiting for me. He held my hand and we went to this other room. It was a theater! A home theater! "What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked me. Well, I am more into action movies than romantic movies. I am one of the weird females. "Uh...Project Power." I told him. "Are you sure?" He asked. I found myself laughing then I said "Yeah! I am sure." I think Ryan had all this planned. There was a table where food was set and it smelled so delicious. "It's lunch time. Please let's dig in." He said that and we started eating while watching a movie. It was like my best lunch. Most of my lunch I always have a sandwich or a candy bar but this was amazing.

After our food we continued watching the movie until it ended. "Wow! I think you'll be the one to choose a movie whenever we are watching." He told me. I smiled. We walked out of the theater and I told him I have to go. He insisted on taking me home. At my house I thanked him for the lunch and the movie then I asked him "Uh...was that a date?" "'re asking me to go on a date with you?" He asked me. I chuckled and said "C'mon! Answer my question." "Yes! I'll go on a date with you. Er...tomorrow night?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. "You're so crazy." I told him. He came close to me and said "Yes! Crazy for you."

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