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"Sky...I am so sorry." I looked at her in the eyes and told her. She seemed confused. I think she didn't know why I was sorry. "Aurora, why are you sorry?" She asked me confused. I couldn't say anything. I just kept quiet. She looked at me and said "Omg! You kissed Ryan? I can't believe this! And yet you were mad at me for keeping a secret. You know what? I am out of here!" She stormed out of the bar.

I followed her running. "Sky! Sky! Please wait. I am so sorry." I told her with tears rolling down my cheeks. A taxi came and she was about to enter. She opened the door then stopped and looked at me. "Were you going to tell me at all?" She asked me. "Yes! I wanted to tell but...I didn't know how." I told her. She entered the taxi and left. I felt so bad and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I knew I was a shitty friend. I stood out there hoping maybe she would come back but she didn't.

"Hey, you'll catch a cold out here." Someone behind me said. I turned to find Ryan. Why did he follow me out here? He is the last person I want to see right now "Please leave me alone." I told him. "What are you guys fighting about anyway?" He asked me. How dare he ask me that? "Seriously? You're the reason why I am fighting with my best friend!" I yelled at him. He looked so confused. "Me? I didn't do shit." He said. "If you didn't shove your tongue in my throat none of this would've happened!" I told him. Now I was getting even more angry.

" it's about the kiss. I get it now." He said with a smirk on his lips. "You think this is a joke to you?" I asked him. "Nope. It's not. You know what? I don't regret kissing you that night and if I would get another chance I would do it again." He told me and went back to the bar. I was still processing what he just told me. Suddenly my phone rang and Jeffrey was calling.

"Hey alright?" I asked him as I received the call. He didn't say anything, he kept sniffing. Sounds like he was crying. "Jeff! What's wrong?" I asked him. "Y-You need to come to the hospital. It's mum." He said that and hung up. Many thoughts came to my mind. I was so  scared that I started crying. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't fucking breath! 

"Aurora! Aurora! Can you hear me?" I heard someone from a distance asking me. I opened my eyes and found Ryan. What? For how long did I pass out? Hospital! I need to get to the hospital. I took a deep breath and said "Ryan I need to go to the hospital. My mum is there." He drove me there and I found Jeffrey at the waiting area. "What took you so long?" He asked me with tears in his eyes. I tried saying something but I couldn't, then Ryan came beside me and said "She had a panic attack."

"Where is mum?" I asked Jeffrey. "S-She is no longer with us. S-She died due to a drug overdose." He said in sobs. "No! No! Please tell me you're joking, right?" I asked him with tears. He came close to me and hugged me so tight then said "I wish I was joking Aurora." I screamed out of pain. I screamed because I wasn't there for her and now she is dead. I screamed because I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her. I sat down and cried. I cried so hard until I fell asleep. I hope when I wake up all this will be a dream but hell no. It wasn't a dream. When I woke up my house was full of people that I didn't know and my mum was there laying in that casket. I went there and she looked so peaceful. I believe she is just taking a nap. She will wake up soon but she didn't because she was fucking gone forever!

The last thing I remember is her asking Skylar to take good care of me. Tears rolled from my eyes. "Hey Aurora." I heard a voice behind me. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. "I-I am so sorry about your mum." I turned to find Skylar. I can't believe she is here! She came to me and hugged me. We cried for a very long time.

I am glad I was saving some money. We used that money for my mum's funeral. I couldn't accept that she was gone but I tried to be strong until when the burial was done. Ryan and Skylar were there for me. Jeffrey was a mess. So, I had to be strong and be there for him because he is the only family I am left with.

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