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I didn't know what to tell her. "Hello? Aurora, are you still there?" She asked me. "Uh..the day after tomorrow. I'll see you the day after tomorrow." I finally said. "Okay. Great! Looking forward to the day." She said that and hung up. I cried. I don't know if they were tears of joy or tears of sadness.

I felt cold. I opened my eyes and it was dark outside and the windows were still open. I got up from the sofa and locked the windows. It was almost 7pm. How did I sleep that long? I went to my room and showered then went to the kitchen and prepared dinner. As I finished preparing dinner Jeffrey walked in. "Jeff! Jeff...I am so sorry about earlier. Please forgive me." I begged him. He looked at me and walked to his room. Oh God! He is now not talking to me. I sat and ate my pasta in silence then I decided to watch Trinkets on Netflix.

"I got into Elite. I'll be leaving tomorrow." Jeffrey said as he walked to the kitchen. Wow! Elite? Well..Elite is the best college here in this town and I think getting into Elite needs really good grades. I am so happy for my baby brother. He suddenly came with pasta on his plate. Seeing him with that food on his plate made me smile. At least he is eating my food. "Wow! Jeffrey I am so happy and proud of you. Congratulations!" I told him excitedly. He just gave me a nod and started eating his food. "Um, you can use the money I was saving for you." I told him politely. He glanced at me and said "I have a full scholarship."

Wow! Full scholarship? And he never thought of telling me. "Wow! That's great Jeff. I am proud of you." I told him. He didn't say anything. I stayed silent for a while then said "Uh, Sandy Barton called me today and she would like to discuss some business with me." He looked at  me and said "Oh..great." "Oh great! Really Jeff? I thought you would be jumping for me like you would be happy for me." I told him. He gave me a blank stare and stood up from the sofa.

"Jeff, I am so sorry for slapping you. It-  "Please! Please just stop it! I don't wanna talk right now." He said and walked to the kitchen. "Can I at least take you to college?" I asked him but there was no response. I continued watching Trinkets until sleep took me.

The next day I took Jeffrey to his new college though he wasn't really happy about it. "Er..tomorrow I'll be going to meet Sandy Barton. I'll catch the first bus." I told him after we were shown his room. He looked at me and said "Ooh. Okay." I sighed and told him "I hope you will forgive me soon. I am gonna leave now. I wish you good luck with school." After saying that I left. I wanted to hug him but I knew he wouldn't let me.

At home I packed my things ready for tomorrow. I don't know how long I will stay there. The thought of going back there makes me miss my mum a lot. I wish she could be here to see Jeffrey going to college. I am sure she would really be happy. I already miss Jeffrey. I wonder what he is doing right now.

Thinking of tomorrow makes me sick a bit. I don't know how I will face Skylar. I am sure she is really mad at me but I'll make her forgive me. I went out and got myself a pizza and some coke. I got back home and continued watching trinkets until sleep took me.


My alarm went on and I almost jumped from my bed. "Shit!" I cursed and snooze it then continued sleeping. After 8 minutes it went on again. "Arrrgghh!" I got out of bed very angry and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and got dressed. At exactly 8 am I was at the bus stop and the bus arrived. I left hoping I would come back home.

I listened to music until I arrived. Well, nothing has changed since I left. I took a cab to my old house and surprisingly I found a car parked outside. Strange! I went to the door and knocked. After a while the door opened and a woman in her mid thirties smiled at me and said "Hello sweetie." "Uh..hello." I told her. "What can I help you with?" She asked me. Omg! I hope this house is not sold. "Sorry, is this house sold?" I asked her. "Ooh...we just bought it last month." She said. "Um..okay. I am gonna leave now." I told her and walked away. She kept saying something to me but I didn't wanna hear anything.

Where do I go now? Skylar! I went to the shop and I was told she is no longer there. She only comes once in a while. So, I decided to go to her house. After knocking three times the door opened and Skylar's mum was shocked to see me. "Aurora? Is that really you?" She asked me.  "Yeah, it's me." I told her that she pulled me into a really tight hug. "Oh my goodness! Thank God you're alive. We were so worried about you when you suddenly left." She said. I ended the hug and told her "I am alive." "That's great! Where is your brother?" She asked me. "College." I told her. She looked amazed and then said "Please come in."

We went in and the maid took my luggage. "What do you need? Tea, water or juice?" She suddenly asked me after I sat on the couch. "Um, water please." I told her then she called the maid to bring me water. She kept asking me questions about my whereabouts and my life in general. Then I asked her "Uh...where is Skylar?" "Um, She is at work..I hope she comes back. Well, sometimes she sleeps at her boyfriend's house." She told me. Wow! It seems I have missed a lot. Skylar has a boyfriend now. "I can call her if you want." She suddenly said bringing me back from my thoughts. "No! No! Please don't call her." I told her and she smiled politely.

Later I was shown my room. I went and showered then tried calling Jeffrey but he didn't pick up my call. So I was just laying in bed when I heard Skylar's mum shouting from downstairs "Aurora dinner is ready. Please come eat." I went downstairs and I suddenly met Skylar face to face.

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