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"Um, I don't mind coming inside." Ryan said with a wide grin on his face. I was so shocked. I can't believe he said that. "Please, you're welcome." My mum told him. He got out of the car and we all went inside the house.

"Aurora, are you not going to introduce me to your friend?" My mum asked me as she brought some cookies. I don't remember seeing her baking. "Um...this is Ryan friend." It was so awkward for me. My mum kept the cookies on the table and smiled at Ryan then said "It's really good to meet you. I am Scarlet. Aurora's mother."
"It's good to meet you too ma'am." He told her. "C'mon! Stop with the formalities. Please call me Scarlet and welcome. I baked these." She told him. Actually I have never seen my mum act this way to anyone.

Ryan took some cookies. He took a bite of it and looked at me then said "This tastes so delicious." I cleared my throat and asked "Mum, where is Jeffrey?" "Probably in his room reading." She said. I really wanted to go and lock myself in my room. Suddenly my mum asked "So, do you guys like dating?" "No!" Ryan and I said at the same time. "Okay but I know you like each other." She said with a smile. Where is she really going with this? Me? Liking Ryan Tyler? No way! "Mum, I think it's getting late. Ryan should go home. I am so sure his family is worried about him." I told my mom and I saw pain in Ryan's eyes. Does he want to stay? He can't be serious. 

"Uh..I think Aurora is right. I should get going. Thank you for tonight." He said that and left. I feel like I am a horrible person. "Aurora, that was so mean. Why did you do that?" My mum asked me. I sighed then said "Mum, it's complicated. You won't understand." "Hmm...okay but that poor guy really likes you." She said that and left me. I sat on that couch for almost two hours just thinking about what my mum said and about the kiss in his car. Wait! Ryan Tyler fucking kissed me!


"Aurora! Wake up. You're gonna be late for work!" Jeffrey screamed in my ear. I jumped from the couch, my heart was beating so fast. Wait! Did I sleep on this couch? Oh God! My back hurts like crazy. "I made some pancakes for breakfast. Love you. Bye!" Jeffrey told me as he left for school. I got up, stretched out and went to my room. I took a cold shower and brushed my teeth. Today is a Friday. My shift ends early. So, I decided to wear a cozy shift hoodie, skinny jeans and converse. I went to the kitchen and had breakfast then left for work.

"Hey girl! I missed you. How have you been?" Skylar asked me as I entered the shop. "Hello Sky. Have been good. I miss you too." I told her. "Is it okay if you come now for your paycheck?" She asked me. "Uh...yeah. Sure!" I told her and we walked to her office. She sat behind her desk and took out a checkbook and signed it. "Here." She gave it to me with a wide smile plastered on her face. "Thanks Sky." I took it and looked at her. She had some hickey on her neck.

"Sky, what happened to your neck?" I asked her. She nervously touched her neck and tried to hide it. "Oh...this. I-I am kind of hooking up with someone lately." She said nervously. "Oooh. Alright. Did you think of telling me?" I asked her. "Yes! Yes! I thought of telling you but I know you won't be happy about it." She told me. I exhaled then asked her "Why wouldn't I be happy with it?" She kept quiet. "Look, I thought we were friends. Friends don't hide things from each other but I guess I was wrong. I have work to do." I told her and left her office. She kept calling my name but I ignored her.

The rest of the day was boring. I miss Skylar. I miss her nagging me all the time. I feel bad about how I reacted earlier. I blame her for keeping a secret while I also have a secret. Ryan Tyler kissed me last night. Oh God! I hope he doesn't come to the shop today. I crossed my fingers and kept working. It was my break time. I decided to go sit outside with my bag of chips. I was bored. Just wanted my shift to end. Suddenly Skylar came and sat next to me. She had iced caramel macchiato in her hands. My favorite.

She exhaled then said "Here, I brought you this." She gave me the drink. I can't resist iced caramel macchiato. I took it and said "Thank you." She looked at me and smiled. "Aurora, I am so sorry I didn't tell you who I am hooking up with." She said politely. "Hey, come here." I told her and she came close to me then I pulled her into a hug. "It's alright. Don't worry about it. I am sorry too about how I acted earlier." I told her. "It's fine. You had all the right to be mad. Frankly, I would also be mad if I found out that you're hiding things from me." She told me and I swallowed hard.

"Well, I am hooking up with Douglas and he asked me on a date." She told me after ending the hug. Omg! I knew there was something between them. I knew it! "What? Douglas like Ryan's friend?" I asked her. "Yes! Ryan's friend. He is super cool. I know you guys don't get along but you need to get to know him. He is really a nice guy." She said. ", alright. I am happy for you sweetie." I told her and she hugged me. We kept talking about other things and I never told her about me and Ryan. I am a shitty friend.

"Since your shift is done, I was thinking we should go out. I miss spending time with my best friend." Skylar told me as I was getting my stuff to go home. "You know I am singing at the bar later." I told her. "Yeah silly. I know that. We can still go out after you sing." She said. I looked at her and smiled. It's really hard to say no to her. "Sure! So, at my place or yours?" I asked her. "Your place." She said and we left.

At my house we dressed up for the bar. Skylar made me wear a purplish dress that revealed my cleavage and I was so uncomfortable but I looked really pretty. She straightened my hair and did my make up. She wore a midi black off shoulder dress with black heels. We looked so beautiful.

"Aurora is that you?" My mum asked me when we went to the living room. "Yeah, it's me mum." I told her shyly. "You look stunning darling. I didn't know you kept that dress." She told me. I just smiled at her. "Skylar, you're beautiful. Please take good care of my daughter. Have a great night." She told Skylar and left us. We drove to the bar. All eyes were on us.

"Wow! Aurora. You look so beautiful." Jordan told me as we entered the bar. I smiled at him politely and said "Thank you Jordan." We ordered drinks. I took one shot of tequila and went on stage.

"Hello everyone. Tonight I am going to sing my original song. I wrote it a couple of months ago. It's called the queen of shadow. I hope you enjoy it." I told the audience and looked at Jordan for him to start playing the music. I looked at everyone and they all seemed ready to hear my new song. The music started playing and I took a deep breath then started singing.

Nobody knows you better than me,
Better than the cologne you wear,
Every single detail chantilly,
Every curl inside your hair.

And I'm falling in, falling into the light,
Anything you want to do
You and me, you and me intertwine

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh...................

I can be the queen of shadow,
Every way you turn, I'm chasing you,
Tell you were to go, I'll follow,
Everywhere you run, I'll stalk you.

UI can be the dark, You can look right through me,
In a flash of love, we're just one body.

I can be the queen of shadow.
I can be the queen of shadow...........

I finished singing and everyone  clapped for me. Skylar was crying and people kept cheering. I saw Mikhail clapping for me. When our eyes met. He gave me a thumbs up. I just found myself crying. Jordan came and hugged me then walked me down the stage.

"Aurora! That was the best song ever. How come you never sang it to me?" Skylar asked me as we hugged. " wasn't complete." I told her. Suddenly Ryan and his friends came to us. I wanted to run and hide myself. "Hey ladies." Ryan said to us. "Hey." Skylar and I said at the same time. "You look stunning in that dress. Uh...I think we need to finish that kiss." Ryan said to me as he looked at me from up to down and I felt like fainting. "Kiss? What is he talking about Aurora?" Skylar asked me.


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