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"Let's now welcome our one and only Aurora on the stage." Sandy Barton said and I walked on the stage. So many people cheered and clapped for me, that made me feel loved and appreciated. I took the mic from her hand and said "Hello everyone. Thank you so much for coming to my album release party. I really don't know how to thank you. Well, um...I am gonna sing for you guys." When I said that, the audience cheered me. They kept saying I should sing I Choose You. I smiled and said "Okay I will sing I choose You." The crowd went gaga then the music started playing. I took a long breath and started singing.

All of my life, I thought I was right
Looking for something new,
Stuck in my ways, like old fashioned days
But all the roads led me to you.

The house that you live in, Don't make it a home
But feeling lonely, Don't mean you're alone
People in life they'll come and they'll leave
But if I had a chance
I know where I would be.

Through the lows and the highs
I will stay by your side
There's no need for goodbyes
Now I am seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey
And there's nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you.....

Now I found the strength
To make a change
And look at the magic I found
No matter the name where you came from
There's no one that's much figured out.

Through the lows and the highs
I will say by your side
There's no need for goodbyes
When the sky turns grey
And there's nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you.
I choose you...........

After finishing singing the song everyone clapped and cheered for me. I was so happy. I can't believe now I have released my album with six singles. Sandy came on the stage and she gave me a hug. She took a mic from my hands and said "Wow! That was such beautiful Aurora. Let's give a sound of applause for our new star Aurora." People clapped, cheered and even whistled. She exhaled deeply and said "I am glad to announce that the album is gone live." People clapped. "Let's celebrate the culmination of Aurora's hard work!" She said that and we left the stage. I went backstage and Skylar was there. " made it! I am so glad you are here." I told her that and hugged her. "I am so proud of you darling. Good job my superstar!" She said that and we both laughed.

Well, it has been a month and a half since Skylar got out of the hospital. I am so glad she has recovered so quickly. Her parents are still looking for the person who tried to murder their daughter. Skylar said she couldn't get to see the face of the person who tried to murder her but she saw a smiley tattoo on his arm. So, they are looking for a guy with a smiley tattoo on their arm. "We should really party hard. This is a big deal. My best friend just released her album. Not only an album but her first album." Skylar told me. "Girl...we need to focus on your health first." I told her and she looked a bit disappointed. "But I am fine. See it doesn't hurt anymore." She told me while pressing the area she was shot. "Nope! That doesn't convince me." I told her but she seemed surprised at something that was behind me.

"Hey! Hey! Are you alright?" I asked her. No response. "Did you see the murder?" I asked her again but her focus was still behind me. So, I had to turn and see what caught my best friend's attention. I turned. "Oh My God!" That's all I could say.

"Is that- "Yeah, I think it's him and he is coming this way." Skylar told me as she fixed her hair. Footsteps approached us and I heard a sexy voice behind me saying "Good evening ladies." I turned and Theodore Maximo was standing in front of us. He looked so handsome in his well fitted tuxedo and his hair was well combed. He smelled so good. "Hey." Me and Sky said at once. He smiled and said "Long time no see. How have you been?" Now his attention was on me. "I-I..I have been great." I told him shakily. "Skylar, I see you're doing fine." He said. "Yeah! I am so fine! Just like you." Skylar said and I kicked her leg.

We left the party with Theodore. I told them about Super Sogbu and we went there. We ate, talked and laughed. I can't believe Theodore the nerd is now a hot guy. "So, Theodore, where did you disappear to?" I asked him after our long conversation about life in general. ", I went overseas for military training." He said. " now you're like a soldier?" Skylar asked him. "Yap!" He said with a smirk. "Omg! That makes you even more sexy!" Skylar said while smiling at him. It was really getting awkward for me. "Guys, I think it's getting late. We need to go now and get some rest. It was a long day." I told them.

"I can drive you there." He said. "No! Thank you Theodore. You have done a lot for us tonight. We'll get an Uber." I told him politely. "Aurora! Theodore is just being polite. Let him take us home." Skylar insisted. "Nope! We are getting an Uber." I told her and it was final. After a while our Uber arrived. "Uh...Theodore. Thank you so much for the night. It was so good to see you again. Have a good night." I told him and we left.

"I know you have something to say to me. Well, go ahead and say it." I told Skylar. "Why did you let us get an Uber? Why couldn't you let Theodore drive us? He was just being polite." She said. "Skylar doesn't trust anyone. After what happened to you I am so scared." I told her honestly. "But you let him buy us food in that restaurant. After all it's jut Theodore. He can't even harm a fly." She said. "We were in the middle of many people!..He seemed different. It's not the Theodore he was before he left." I told her. "You know what? You're just being a bitch. You saw I am into Theodore and you're not happy about it. All you care is about yourself!" She yelled at me which caused the driver to look at us. "Oooh, I am a bitch now? What about you who has a boyfriend and yet you are into Theodore?" I asked her, annoyed.

"Please stop the car!" She yelled at the driver. The car stopped and she got out. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked her. "I am going away from a bitch and a cock blocker like you!" She shouted and stormed off. "Skylar! You can't go. It's too dangerous out there!" I shouted while following her.

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