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"Lavender? You smell like it." Ryan told me as we entered the car. "That's my shampoo." I told him. "You smell good." He said with a smile and started the car. It was the most uncomfortable car ride ever. He kept staring at me. I could feel it.

"When was the last time you had steak?" He suddenly asked me. "What?" I asked him as if I didn't hear the question. "I asked when was the last time you had steak?" He asked me again. "Uh..I don't remember." I told him. "Okay! We are going for dinner." He said and drove the car down the avenue. "No! No! I am not having dinner with you." I told him. Oh God! That came out wrong. I covered my mouth after saying that. He stopped the car and looked at me. His face came close to mine until I could feel his warm breath. "I don't bite. So, don't be scared of me." He said with a smirk and started driving.

My heart was beating so fast. I kept looking forward until he parked in front of Rich Tables Restaurant. It's the most popular restaurant in town. Most rich people come to this restaurant. Honestly, I have never been to this restaurant. We went in and the waiter welcomed us. The restaurant was so beautiful with soft music playing. The waiter came and gave us the menus. There was so much written on it and everything looked so expensive.

"Do you need me to order for you?" Suddenly Ryan asked me. It's like he read my mind. "Yes, please." I told him politely . The waiter came to get our orders. "She will have garlic rosemary steak with sherry cream sauce and I will have filet mignon." Ryan told the waiter. "What about drinks sir? We have our finest wine Cabernet Sauvignon." The waiter said. "Um, sparkling limeade for the lady and I'll have your finest wine." Ryan told him and the waiter left. How does he know I don't drink?

Our food arrived and we started eating. The steak was delicious. I have never had such a good steak in my entire life. "Are you enjoying your food?" He asked me. "Yes, the food is delicious. Thank you." I told him politely. "Don't mention it. So, how did you start helping my grandma?" He asked. I swallowed my food and said " day I saw her trying to empty her trash. So...I went and helped her. That's how I got to know her and started helping her."

"Ooh..okay. She keeps talking about you every day." He said. "Really? What does she say about me?" I asked him. "That you are kind, beautiful and sweet." He told me. I blushed, I totally blushed in front of him. "She also said you have a lovely voice." He added. I just gave him a polite smile and asked "How is she?" "She is fine. Though my mum isn't happy about her." He said sadly. "I am sorry." I told him. He took a glass of wine and sipped then looked at me. I felt shy and looked down. "It's alright. Enough about me. How is your family?" He asked me.

I can't believe he wants to know about my family. "Um, they are fine. My mum started painting again." Shoot! I don't know why I told him that. I felt embarrassed. "Wow! Your mum paints?" He asked me. "Y-Yeah, sometimes." I told him. We kept eating and finished our food. "Thank you for bringing me here for dinner." I told him after he finished paying. "I am glad I brought you here for dinner." He told me and we left the restaurant.

"Tonight was great! I like Elodie." Ryan told me as he was driving me home. "She is such a sweet girl." I told him. He looked at me and said "Like you." I was speechless. Suddenly the car parked in front of my house. I struggled with the seat belt and then his face came close to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. His fingers touched my face and he said "You know I would really like to kiss you right now." I didn't say anything. I am always speechless when it comes to Ryan Tyler. He brought his lips close to mine and brushed them softly. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. They were soft yet demanding. His fingers dig into my hair and I felt goosebumps shimmering across my skin. I could still taste the wine from his lips. I touched his sharp jawline and he clenched it. Suddenly there was a knock on my window. My heart skipped and I jumped from my seat. I turned to see my mum standing outside the car.

Ryan pulled away from me and I finally unbuckled my seat belt. I opened the passenger's door and my mum was standing there. "Hello mum." I greeted her politely. She looked at me and asked "Why don't you invite that young man in?" I exhaled then said "Um, Ryan was just leaving."

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