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What? What does he mean by his own blood? Can this be true? Is Jeffrey Tyler's son? "What do you mean by that?" Jeffrey asked. "I mean I can't let my son rot in jail." Tyler said. There was silence then Jeffrey asked "What do you mean by son?" Tyler cleared his throat and asked "Didn't Scarlet tell you about it?" Silence. "You're my son Jeffrey." Tyler said and I rushed downstairs.

"Babe, is everything alright?" Ryan asked me. I took a long sigh and said "Yeah, everything is alright." He looked at me and I knew he didn't believe a single word I said. "Mildred has prepared breakfast. Let's go have some." He told me that and led me to the breakfast room. I kept thinking about what I heard upstairs. My mum and Tyler? Now I understand why Eleanor accused her of stealing her husband. This world is full of surprises. "Baby, you haven't touched anything yet." Ryan told me. I came back from my thoughts and took a sip of my orange juice. I forced myself to eat.

Tyler, Jeffrey and Eleanor joined us for breakfast. "Good morning Aurora." Tyler said to me. I smiled politely and said "Good morning to you too." "I hope you slept well." He said and I nodded my head. Tyler took some pancakes and bacon then poured some orange juice for Jeffrey. "It's a beautiful day. Let's enjoy this breakfast." He said with a wide grin. Jeffrey kept his eyes fixed on his plate. He never said a word. I think he is still shocked from what Tyler told him.

"It's quite surprising how you woke up with that mood this morning. Is it because you finally revealed the secret you kept for 20 years?" Eleanor asked Tyler. Tyler didn't say anything. He kept eating his food in peace. "Mum, what are you talking about?" Ryan asked. Eleanor took a sip of her coffee and asked "Ooh...he never told you that he had a son with Scarlet?" Ryan looked surprised. "Dad, is that true?" Ryan asked his dad.

Tyler cleared his throat and said "Yes! It's true. After we adopted you. I wanted another child but it was so hard. So, I met Scarlet and we had Jeffrey. Your mum was so angry. We almost divorced but she got pregnant with Barbara." "Don't you ever talk about Barbara again!" Eleanor yelled furiously. "Why mum? Is it because she has Down syndrome?" Ryan asked his mum. Eleanor looked beyond pissed. "I knew this was a wrong idea to have breakfast with you!" She looked at her husband and Ryan then stormed out to the breakfast room. Things were getting really dramatic.

"Mr. Tyler, I think we will be leaving." I told him after we finished breakfast. "Ooh alright. I am so sorry about Eleanor. She can be dramatic sometimes. Er..I am also sorry for last night's incident. I hope it stays between us. We have already spoken to Theodore's family. We told them he got in a car accident. So, everything is fine." Tyler told us. Before we left he insisted on his driver to take us home.

When we got home. Everyone went to their room. I was so tired of all the drama at Tyler's. I ran myself a bubble bath and relaxed. Afterwards, I took a long nap. I was woken up by a call. It was 2pm and Skylar was calling me.

"Hey sweetie." I greeted her when I received the call. "Hey pretty! You sound asleep. Is everything alright?" She asked me. "No! I am so tired." I told her. "Girl, I am coming to get you. We are going out." She said that and hung up before I said anything. Twenty minutes later she was at my door. "I can't believe you are still in those clothes. Please change. I am waiting." She told me immediately when I opened my door for her. We went straight to my room and I changed into a yellow jumpsuit with white stilettos. I just put on some lipgloss and mascara. "I am done! Let's go." I told her and we left.

She took me to a bistro which opened recently. It's famous for its French food. We ordered our food and waited. "So, what's bothering you?" Skylar asked me. I took a long sigh and said " A lot has happened Sky. I don't know where to begin." She looked at me said "Start from anywhere." I breathed heavily and said "I saw the guy who wanted to murder you. You won't believe when I tell you." She looked terrified. Suddenly our food arrived. We started eating then she said "Tell me. Who is it?" "Theodore! It was Theodore!" I told her. "Omg! Are you really sure about it?" She asked me, still terrified and confused at the same time.

"Yes! I am so sure." I said. "How?" She asked. I told her everything that happened at Tyler's that night. "Oh God! I can't believe Theodore is dead." She said. "Me too Sky." I told her. "H-He looked very innocent. I can't believe he was sent to kill me and after failing he still pretended to be our friend. He even took us out for dinner. This is unbelievable!" She said with tears in her eyes. I held her hand while she cried. Afterwards, we kept eating our food in silence. When we were about to finish eating I said "Jeffrey is Tyler's son." She looked at me surprised. "What?"

"Jeffrey is Tyler's son." I repeated again. "Wow! That's why Eleanor hates your mum." She said. "Yup! I think so." I told her and the waiter came for his bill. "We have just been apart for like two days and all that has happened in two days?" She asked and I didn't know how to reply to her. We walked to her car and entered. She started driving and asked me "So, how is Jeffrey taking it? Since now he is a Tyler?" I took a long sigh. "Honestly, we haven't talked about it." "Ooh..okay." She said.

At home. I went to Jeffrey's room and found him packing. "Hey, are you going somewhere?" I asked. "Yes! I am going far away. I don't want to be part of Tyler's drama. I am not a Tyler and I will never be a Tyler."

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