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       "Sky! Sky! Sky wake up." I tried waking up Skylar with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Please wake up sweetie. I am not ready to lose you too." I said that while sobbing. Skylar looked so pale and it looked like she was shot. I kept crying not knowing what to do then Ryan came in. "Aurora we need to call the ambulance." He told me. I guess he made some calls after some time the paramedics walked in my house and took Skylar to the hospital. Ryan drove me there. I kept crying. I can't lose my best friend. At the hospital they took her straight to the OR. I kept praying for the surgery to go well.

"I am so sorry about Skylar. I believe she will be fine." Ryan told me. I didn't understand anything he was telling me. All I did was cry. Skylar's parents came to the hospital. "What really happened sweetie?" Skylar's mum asked me while crying. "I-I really don't know. I...I-I was out on a date then she called me but she didn't say anything. I got worried and rushed home. I...I found her lying in a pool of  blood." I told her with sobs. She just pulled me into a hug and we both cried "Whoever did this to my daughter is going to pay for it." Skylar's dad said bitterly. I hope so. I hope they will pay for what they did to my best friend.

I am afraid Eleanor is behind all this. Since Skylar saw something at that party. Maybe someone saw her and told Eleanor then Eleanor tried to kill her. What if someone wanted to frame me for my best friend's murder or what if they are after me? Ohh God! Why did I get involved with the Tylers?  If only I could listen to Jeffrey, maybe all this could not happen. Suddenly the doctor came "Are you the family of Skylar Diaz?" He asked us and the dad replied. "The surgery went well but she will be in the ICU room for a couple of days." He said. We all sighed in relief. "Only close family members will be allowed to see her. One at a time." He told us and left.

Suddenly the Tylers walked to us."Brenda I am so sorry about Skylar. When Ryan told us we came immediately." She told Skylar's mum with a false smile. Brenda looked at her and she cried more. Tyler spoke to Skylar's dad. It seems the conversation was too deep. "People are so inhuman. Who would want to hurt that innocent soul?" Eleanor said as she removed her sunglasses. What the fuck? She is the one behind all this. Who wears sunglasses at night? She came to me with a false grin. "I am so sorry darling. I know what you're going through right now. Please-" I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply then yelled at her "Shut up! Just shut up! You know nothing about what I am going through right now!"

Everyone looked at me. I didn't give a damn. I went outside to get some fresh air. Ryan came to me and said "My mum was trying to be polite to you." I looked at him and shook my head. "Do you really have no idea of what's going on?" I asked him. He looked confused by my question. "What are you talking about?" He asked. I took a long sigh and said "Just forget about it." I went back to the waiting room. Skylar's parents were now allowed to see her. Eleanor came to me and asked "What were you telling my son?" I gave her a look that made her smile shakily. "It's none of your fucking business." "You know you can't talk to me like that." She held my hand in a vice-like grip. "Or what? Are you going to shoot me?" I asked her.

"Mum! Aurora! Please stop it. You're making a scene." Ryan shouted at us when he came to the waiting area. "Son, I don't know why you hang out with her. She is not good for you." Eleanor told Ryan. "I can hang out with whoever I want! You don't have to tell who is right or wrong for me." He told his mum angrily. "Guys! We didn't come here to fight. Please keep it down there are patients here." Tyler said with a serious tone. All of us kept quiet.

After a while Skylar's parents came back. "How is she doing?" I asked Brenda. She sighed and said "She is still not awake. The doctor said she will be fine." "Yeah, she will be fine." I told her and we hugged. Eleanor cleared her throat and said "Uh...Brenda, we are leaving now. May God heal your precious daughter. Please have a good night." When she said that Brenda ended the hug with me and went to hug her. Tyler said his goodbyes too. They had a serious conversation with their son. "Sweetie, you should go get some sleep. You must be tired." Brenda told me. "Uh...I am fine. I'll just stay at the hospital." I told her politely.

Ryan came to me and said "Have a good night sweets. I'll see you tomorrow. I wish I could stay but-" "It's alright. Your parents can't let you stay here. Just go home." I cut him off before he finished whatever he wanted to explain. "Ryan let's go!" Eleanor said behind us. Ryan turned and left me at the hospital. I felt like crying. My best friend is shot, the mum of the guy I love is a murder and I am so terrified of going back to my house. Tears blinded my eyes and I couldn't hold them anymore. I cried, I cried until sleep took me.                    

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