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Are you feeling better now?" Theodore asked me after making me a cup of hot chocolate. "Yeah." I nodded my head as I gave him an empty cup. He took it from my hands and smiled. Theodore is really a nice guy. Why can't all guys be like Theodore?

"Thank you so much Theodore." I told him. He looked at me and smiled shyly. "I-I am glad you're feeling better." He said. "Well, I...I really liked how you sang last night. It was amazing Aurora." He told me. "Really?" I asked him. He came close to me and kept a strand of my curls behind my ear. My heart was beating so fast. "Yeah. You're the best Aurora." He told me as his face came close to mine. I suddenly cleared my throat and said "Um, thank you so much Theodore. I really appreciate that." He sadly pulled his face away from mine. Did he want to kiss me?

It was really getting awkward. So I asked him "Do you wanna go for a walk?" He fixed his glasses and said "Yeah. I think that would be good." So we took a walk and suddenly he held my hand. Well, I never expected that but I couldn't just pull my hand away from him in front of people. 

As we were walking I saw Ryan and his mum in the boutique. I think they were having an argument. Eleanor was yelling at him and he got so angry and left. He opened the door and saw me and Theodore. He looked at our hands and mumbled something then moved his wheelchair away angrily. I somehow felt bad for him.

Theodore took me to an art gallery. Well, it was good. Seeing art made me remember my mum, how she was painting in the morning and that made me feel so happy. We talked and laughed and he insisted on buying me dinner. Afterwards, I went back to the coffee shop. Skylar had left. So, I was the one to close the shop.

When I entered the shop I saw a man leaning on the table with his head down. I got close to him and tried waking him up. He lifted his head up and looked at me. Oh! My God! What is Ryan Tyler doing here?

"Um, are you alright?" I asked him politely. He gave me this angry face and barked "Go away! I don't need your pity." What's wrong with this guy? "Well, I wasn't pitying you. I just asked if you're alright." I told him. Then he lifted his hands to cover his face. I saw bruises on his knuckles. Was he fighting? Did he hit something?

"Uh..I need to close the shop. Can you please go out?" I asked him. "I don't want to go anywhere. How much money do you need to keep the shop open?" He asked me. This time he was looking at me. "I don't need any money!" I yelled at him angrily. He just gave me this sad look. I now felt really bad for yelling at him. I found myself pulling a chair and sitting next to him. We stayed quiet for almost half an hour. I kept looking at him. Well, it seems like he wanted to say something but he kept hesitating.

"Um, you can talk to me. I-If you don't mind." I told him. He glanced at me like he didn't hear what I said. Then he asked me, "Why do you wanna talk to me after what happened earlier?" "Uh...I don't know. I just like listening to people talk, especially about their problems. You know venting out to someone really helps." I told him. He looked at me and sighed then said "I really have a complicated family."

"Oooh, then that makes the two of us." I told him. He looked at me and the corners of his lips twitched. Is Ryan Tyler smiling?

"How complicated is your family?" I asked him. He ran his hand through his hair and said "My family is full of lies and secrets and that really hurts me." "I am so sorry Ryan." I told him. He looked at me like I never knew his name. C'mon! Who doesn't know Ryan Tyler? The whole town knows his name. "My mum drives me nuts! Ever since I got into that accident, she wants to control me just like how she controls my dad." He said sadly.

"That's really sad. I am sorry." I told him. "How do you manage it?" He suddenly asked me. "Uh..manage what?" I asked him with a confused look. "Um...All the teasing, the ugly names people call people talk about your family. How do you manage all that and still look happy?" I exhaled then told him "'s so hard for me but I thank my brother. He is always there to lift me up and make me move forward no matter what people say about me."

"Your brother really loves you. I remember the other night when we drove you to your house. He was so worried about you." He told me. "Yeah! He really gets worried about me." I told him. He suddenly held my hand and stared at me. I felt like he could see my soul. There was something in his eyes that really confused me. I pulled my hand from his and asked nervously "I...d-do you want some latte?"

"Y-Yeah! I do." He said and I rushed to make one. After a while I came back with a cup for him. He took a sip and closed his eyes then asked "How are you so good at making this?" "I-I really don't know." I told him. I found myself talking to Ryan for a long time. He is not really that bad. I think he is going through things that make him act immature and arrogant at times. Checking on my phone it was past midnight.

"Omg! Ryan, I need to go home. It's past midnight." I told him with my freaking face. He took out his phone and glanced at the screen. "Hey, don't freak out. I'll drive you there." He said without any worry. "I need to close the shop. Skylar will kill me if she finds out I didn't do it until this time." I was now panicking. I made sure within five minutes the shop was closed. Ryan insisted on driving me home. So, we were walking to his car when suddenly a black SUV pulled in front of us, the door opened and Eleanor asked " Where do you think you are taking my son?"

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