chapter 1

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Disclaimer I dont own ejen ali

A/N: if you see this "¹" it means it has a description below just in case you dont know it.

Ali's PoV

It's been a few weeks since the incident. And everything seems to be doing great so far. The pillars and the mentors announced a new academy is being built while the other young agents can meet up in our safehouse, ejen Rizwan is back, uncle is doing good so far, while me and Alicia is doing fine as well.

But not that well. You see ever since we removed the microbug from IRIS General Rama ordered me to make weapons that I can use properly with or without IRIS just in case something like that or an EMP disabling iris again. So far I only have an extra blastique 2.0 and I cant use that or else alicia will kill me. I'm currently in the lab of the safehouse with khai. He's also with me trying to help me find the best weapon.

"You could use a plasma sword that can help you fend off any nearby enemies." Khai suggested but I shock my head.

It's been hours already and we didn't think of anything

"Why is it so hard to invent a new equipment for you ali." Khai said as I groan and rubbed my head

"I dont know khai, it's easy for me to invent or improve our equipment but I cant think of anything for me." I said as I continue fiddling with the blastique 2.0

"Well you only have like 2 equipment which is your aero boot and yoyo" Khai said as he look at the screen in front of him

"Three actually I have a kick scooter with rocket boosters behind it as my main source of transportation." I replied as khai nodded and continued searching something on the screen.

"Well we are techno ejens¹ right we could use drones to support you." Khai said as R.O jumped on the table

"Well the general said I must have equipment that can function with or without IRIS so those drones has to have their own targeting systems." I replied and continued. "And they must act independently as well"

"Sound like a droid." Khai said as I laughed

"The chances of the mentors and the generals allowing me to command a team of MATA droids is just impossible khai." I said as khai just chuckled

"True although I would like to have those droids having our backs." Khai said as he continues to search the gadgets and weapons logs of the lab

"I do think that a small, fast firing, and easy to use weapon will be suitable for me." I said I activate the balistique 2.0

"Because of your inability to use advance weapons." Khai joked as I just give him my annoyed face. "What I'm just kidding."

Then bulat entered the lab

"Eh? Ali? Khai? What are you doing here." Bulat asked as we explained the situation

"Oh so you are thinking of new equipment for you ali and khai is here to help you" Bulat said as we nodded and continued. "Too bad you cant use the other's equipment because they will hate you for that."

"I know" I replied as I rest my head on the table

"Sigh, if only alicia wont kill me if I used her weapon" I said as a lightbulb appeared and I opened the gadget logs on my own screen

"Ali? What are you doing." Khai and Bulat asked at the same time as both of them leaned to look at my screen

"How about I just use the other's gadgets and weapons as concepts." I replied

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