chapter 5

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As usual I don't own ejen ali


2 hours later

"Almost done." Dr Aaron said as he's putting the important part of his device that will smoothly transport memories without encrypting them.

Then the whole place began to shake as explosion after explosion rocked the house. Followed by metallic thumping upstairs.

"Augh really." Dos said as Dr Aaron dropped the device thanks to the shaking

"But if we do it now then this will have a lot of problems for us." Dr Aaron said as he tried to retrieve the dropped part but dos picked him up and gave the incomplete helmet in his hands.

"Do it or I'll do it on you." Dos said as Aaron gulped

"Fine but don't blame me for encrypting her memories." Dr Aaron said as he placed the helmet on Alicia and prepared for extraction.

"It will take me a few minutes to extract everything from them." Dr Aaron said as dos nodded and went upstairs with the rest of the numeros

Then Jenny entered the room.

"There's too many of them upstairs. I cant even hack the droids." Jenny said as she catch her breath. "And override is upstairs as well."

The moment she mentioned overrides Aaron quickly wearing his telekinesis helmet.

"Cinco help me here before he comes down." Aaron said but it's already too late.


One of the drop planes and the recon droids are bombarding the building with their laser blasters while the other one is deploying its droids. Then Ali disembarks the drop plane still in override flanked by 4 buster droids.

The numeros managed to get upstairs when they found an entire droid army surrounding them while blasting them with their laser. Seis and siete took cover because they couldn't pass their ball because of the amount of hellfire blasting them. Tres is fighting 4 buster droids. And dos is stuck on a wall with rocket fists holding her and her arms in place. Ali managed to get down to the basement only to find Dr. Aaron almost finished with the extraction. When the override suddenly stopped it left Alicia with a good majority of her memories still inside her brain.

"Ah iris agent how nice to *SMACK*." Dr Aaron didn't have a chance to say anything when the override kicked him in the face.

Then a warning appeared as Jenny tried to blast Ali but the droids managed to pin her on the wall dropping her tablet, stylus, and her pistol.

Override looked at the unconscious alicia sitting in the chair and saw 3 different hard drives attached to the helmet. Override then free her from her bindings and princess carry her back to the drop ships. While 2 droids that managed to get down carried the hard drive.


Dos managed to free herself when seis and siete kicked their ball at the buster droids forcing them to recall their hands freeing dos. Dos tried to throw her shock sticks but the droids managed to catch it.

Then she saw Ali carrying Alicia flanked by Buster and normal droids. She tried to stop them when the 2 drop ships over fire again forcing her to take cover.

Then one of the drop ships landed and opened its rear door. Ali and his droids then get onboard it. Followed by the other droids.

"Stop them quickly." Dos ordered but it's too late the droids finished boarding and the 2 drop ships activated its optical camouflage.

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