chapter 17

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Ejen Ali isn't mine ok now onto the chapter

The next day.
Alicia's PoV

I woke up from my sleep I looked at my clock and saw its 7:30 am.

"Oh its 7:30." I said in a sleepy voice and fell backwards and fell asleep again...until I realized its 7:30. "SEVEN THIRTY I'M LAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE!"

Then I went full speed and immediately went to the bathroom and took a shower and changed into my school uniform and dashed downstairs and bumped into papa by accident while he's holding a cup of coffee.

"DEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" He said as I saw that the coffee ruined his mustache.

"I'm sorry papa but I'm late for school see you." I said as I ran pass him only to get pulled back.

"Alicia you dont have school." He said as I look at him with an surprised face.

"Eh?" I said as he showed me the morning newspaper. "Main water line broken at the SRT cyberaya school cancelled."

"So this is you're lucky day because the this and next day is a no school day." Papa said as I groaned about this and went back to my room to change to my casual attire.

After that I walked down stairs and found papa fixing his mustache, I have absolutely no idea why he loves his mustache, and I went downstairs again and went to the fridge to get my breakfast. Luckily there's some leftover curry that Ali made yesterday before the mission inside an microwavable container and put it inside the microwave. Then the aroma of Ali's cooking slowly spread inside the house

"What is that smell." Papa said as he went down stairs and take a look at the kitchen.

"Its Ali's special curry." I said as the microwave ding and I pulled it out and began to eat it savoring the flavor.

"So Mr. Super agent can cook huh let me have a bite." He said as he took a spoonful of the curry, I dont mind it since he is my father, and ate it.

Immediately his eyes widened.

"Mmmm now that's a dish that I can enjoy." He said as he attempted to get another spoonful of curry but I blocked it.

"My curry." I said as I took another bite.

"Fine." He said in defeat until my phone rings near him and he grabbed it. "Ohh look its Ali~"

I stopped chewing as his pointing finger near the answer button of my phone.

"Maybe I should answer it and say that you're too busy for today." He said as I swallowed the curry that I'm chewing

"You wouldn't dare." I said threateningly as he continues to put his finger near the answer button.

I know his plan to steal my curry but I cant disappoint my boyfriend. Think Alicia it's either his cooking or his heart and I know what will happen to people who talk while eating. So I choose the latter and grabbed my phone and talk to him.

"Hey Alicia." He said as the annoyance is visible in his voice.

"Let me guess you didn't heard the news and went school." I said as he chuckled.

"Yeah I'm very surprised when I found out that it's close." He said as I chuckled but I looked behind me and saw papa eating the leftovers slowly.

"So do you have any plans for today." He asked as I felt my stomach growled because I only ate 1/4 of the curry

"I'm free for today actually." I replied as papa burped in the background.

"Let me guess the general couldn't stop himself from stealing the curry I made for you." He said as papa shouted in the background

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