chapter 15

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Word of today....I dont own ejen Ali

The moment Dr. Ghazali left the building Ali, Alicia, Bakar, Comot, and Rizwan took an stand as analogman and his henchmen surrounds them.

"Ejen Rizwan did you destroyed that sniper." Ali said as he pulled out his pistol.

"Ofcourse." Rizwan replied in his normal monotone voice

"Quickly everyone pull out Atlas." Ali said as the other 3 agents pulled out Atlas

Rizwan was hesitant because he heard what happened 3 years ago during Niki's attacks and IRIS Neo. But Bakar assured him that's it's fine and he put on Atlas.

"Atlas on." Ali said as the Atlas activates and began sending instructions to the other 3 agents.

"So this is what it feels like to wear IRIS." Rizwan said as he easily blocked an punch from one of the henchmens.

During the fight Bakar managed to fend off multiple enemies, while Rizwan is wrecking them from behind. Unfortunately even though he got a ton of training Ali still cant handle the energy drain that the Atlas can do. Luckily he has an hidden ace up bis sleeves.

"Hey Alicia." He said as Alicia look at him as she KO an enemy.

"What is it Ali?" She said as she fired an gravity ball at the ground pulling several enemies at it.

"Remember that you asked about that Atlas you're wearing." Ali said as he holstered one of his pistols because it overheats and sends out 3 tops to cover.

"Yeah so?" Alicia asked as she shot an henchman trying to stab Ali with an knife

"Well it's basically an mini IRIS that can command the other Atlas even without my help." He said as Alicia got the information about her Atlas.

"So you basically made another IRIS." Alicia said as Ali shook his hand

"Not quite it doesn't have Xray vision and it cant scan very well when it's not connected with other Atlas or IRIS." Ali said as Alicia shot an guy with an sledgehammer who is charging her.

"So what are you planning Ali?" Alicia asked as she shot the guy who's trying to get through Ali's shield.

"Well I'm planning to activate the command function which will allow you to help me keep the other 2 Atlas active." Ali said as his breathing began to get faster. "Because this battle is taking an toll on me."

"Fine but if we both pass out thanks to energy lost I'm gonna punish you after this." Alicia said as Ali nodded and touched the side of IRIS.

Alicia's PoV

I dont know what's going on in Ali's head but I trust him and I agreed with whatever it is he's planning. The moment he touched the side of IRIS I felt something like a small jolt electricity surging through my body. Then I was suddenly found myself in another area where everything is blue and theres barely something recognizable. Then I heard someone talking behind me.

"So you must be Alicia then." Someone said behind me as I turned around.

Then I saw an adult woman wearing an Tekno uniform.

"Wait are you." I said as I remember how Ali described what his mother looks like and this woman fits it. "Ali's mom."

The woman then nodded.

"Yep my name is Aliya." Aliya said as my eyes widened.

"W-where are we?" I asked as Aliya smiled.

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