chapter 2

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Same as chapter 1 I dont own ejen ali and when you see a small number it has a description below

A few hours later.
Cyberaya abandoned train yard
Ali's PoV

The testing is a success. All of my new equipments worked. Some few hiccups with the shockwave pistol because the shockwave blast breaks the barrel if I used it but as long as its operating fine it's good to me. I was packing the rest of the equipment since Khia and Bulat already left to submit the results to ejen geetha and I'm of to present the new equipment to the general.

Then suddenly I heard a voice that I will never forget.

"Hey Ali can I talk for you for a bit." Alicia said behind me

"Ok what do you want alicia." I asked I turned around and saw her beautiful face.

"Let's get straight to the point Ghazali." She suddenly said firing a gravity ball at the train behind me immobilizing me.

She suddenly approached me menacingly as I gulped. When shes near enough I spilled the beans

"IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO COPY YOU I SWEAR." I apologize to her but she stopped and looked at me with a confused face

"What are you talking about Ali?" She asked as I chuckled and pointed to the table.

Then she saw the trebuchet which she picked up and inspected kinda surprised when the holographic lens activates. Then loaded one of her balls in it and shot me in the nuts. Which made me cringe.

"There you're forgiven." Alicia said as the pain surges in my body.

Then she returned to being menacing.

"Now if you dont want to get shot again talk about that incident." Alicia said as she loaded another one of her projectiles.

"Can you wait for a bit." I said in a cringey voice as the pain of getting shot in the place where I should get shot continues to surge

"Augh fine." Alicia said as she waited for me to get better. She then inspected my new equipment

This is not my day

A few moments later

When the pain subsided I saw alicia played with the trebuchet and she found out it has a homing function and hit a far away soda can but arcing the electric bomb.

"So that is what you apologized for." Alicia said as she put down the trebuchet and looked at me.

"Now off to business what do you know about the incident." Alicia said as she accidentally loaded an electric sticker in the trebuchet. "Talk no lies just the truth."

I gulped knowing how powerful is that sticker. Then the trebuchet was suddenly shot out of alicia's hand.

"Tres found them." Dos said as she jumped down the train shes in and charged alicia with her purple blade.

Alicia managed to dodge the blade and grabbed her blastique and deactivated the gravity bomb immobilizing me. But when I landed I'm walking funny and dos noticed it.

"What happened to you iris ejen." Dos said as she tried to hit me with her shock sticks which I dodged. "Got too many bed adventures with your girlfriend."

Alicia was confused by her state while I blushed a shade of red

"Alicia is not my girlfriend." I said as I launched my yoyo at her only to realize I left it in the lab.

"Then what's the matter then kid huh. Come on I'm also a guy." Tres taunted me

"How about you get hit in the place where you shouldn't get hit by a mini exploding bomb." I said as tres actually got the chills the moment he heard that.

"Ok that hurts." He said as he changes his stance so he can easily protect the weak spot of every men in the word from alicia. Who btw she and dos, who's in a heated battle, rolled their eyes in annoyance

"Augh men." Dos said as she recalled her shock sticks as she saw her partner go easy on ali.

"Augh boys." She said as she saw ali limp around

"Here I thought you two are a sweet couple." Dos said as she throws her shock sticks at alicia who promptly dodge and returned fire.

"Hey tres finish him quick." Dos ordered as alicia continues to return fire

"Ok ok sheesh." Tres said as he prepared to smash the ground to create a wave but ali is no longer in sight.

"Hey tres." I said behind him holding out my shockwave pistol at point black range on tres

"Ha you think this can beat me." Tres laugh. "I give you one shot kid."

3 seconds later

Dos was busy slashing the projectiles until tres suddenly got knocked back towards her. Forcing her to dodge.

"Tres what happened?!" Dos said as she took cover

"Note to self never laugh at the kid ever again." Tres said before fainting

Then dos saw something landing beside her. A small gray ball that opening revealing a bomb. Dos tried to throw it back at the 2 MATA agents but the bomb sticked at her hands.

Alicia was about to shoot dos when Ali stopped her. Then the bomb goes off covering dos in a cloud of smoke.

Nobody's PoV

"You got lucky." Alicia said as she holsters her balistique

"Well I did took dos out for you." Ali said as he picked up the trebuchet which got shoot out of Alicia's hands earlier

"Whatever." Alicia replied as she went back towards the seat.

When dos suddenly used her speed to try to backstab alicia with her blades. Until all that alicia heard behind her back is Ali's aero shoes activating and a grunt.

When she turns around she saw Ali with arms wide open blocking the hit meant for her. Ali turned around and alicia saw his stomach area sliced with a lot of blood rushing out. Ali smiled at Alicia before collapsing. While dos retreats to carry tres away in a van.

The Alicia felt something cold flowing down her cheeks. She's crying when she saw her clumsy and forgetful partner fall. And then she felt something rising inside her. Shes angry.

She pulls out her balistique and tried to shoot the retreating enemies and tried to chase them. Then dos throws her purple crystal blinding alicia who blind fire trying to hit the 2. When she open her eyes dos and tres is nowhere to be found.

She turned around and saw ali still lying on the ground now with a puddle of blood. She ran towards him. She managed to find his pulse which is very weak.

She contacted mata.

MATA safehouse

Khai and Bulat present the results to ejen geetha who's having a meeting with the other mentors.

"So I see it's a great success then." Geetha said as khai and Bulat nodded.

"I found this in the lab." Ejen karya said as he put Ali's yoyo at the hologram table.

Everyone in the room did think this is a bad news when they realised that ali has his other prototypes.


The hologram table activates and shows an emergency call from ejen alicia

Geetha answered it. Then all they heard are sobbing from alicia.

"Alicia what's happened?!" Bakar said as he knows alicia doesnt cry

"E-ejen down I-I re-repeat ejen ali is down." Alicia said

The moment they heard those words all 4 mentors immediately went out. Leaving Khai and Bulat surprised and confused.


1246 words a bit less than the previous chapter but that's chapter 2.

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