chapter 24

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Welp 1 last chapter to go cant believe we made it this far

The MATA foundation day ceremony is now 3 days away and very agents is now setting up the final decorations for their big time event in history. Ali and Alicia was resting in one of the chairs while their children set up some of the decorations then others approached them.

"So the big day is near right." Rudy said as Ali nodded.

"Yeah hopefully my aching muscles wont be painful when I'm giving my speech." Ali said as everyone knew how much work he did while doing his Tekno jobs and training his son. "Too bad I'm the only one who can massage someone in my family."

Everyone, minus Alicia who just rolled her eyes, chuckled as when bakar approached them.

"I think you guys need an day off." Bakar said as everyone look at him. "I mean seriously all of you are the new big shots of MATA and all of you barely relax."

"Well that's not a bad idea actually." Ali said as moon perked up.

"Wait really." Moon said as Ali nodded which made her squeal. "So where are we gonna have our vacation."

Everyone think for a second until junior and Aliya II came.

"Papa what's happening?" Junior asked as Ali look at him.

"We're thinking where should we go for our day off." Ali said as Junior and Aliya perked up and Aliya search her pockets.

"Oh we have an idea where should we go." Junior said as Aliya showed them an brochure of sunway lagoon.

"Ohhh sunway lagoon." Moon said as she look at the brochure. "I'm in."

"So anyone who what's to go to sunway lagoon raise your hands." Ali said as everyone raised their hands including Bakar.

"What you're going too general." Khai said as Bakar nodded.

"Hey being an general is hard work." Bakar replied as Rama facepalm as he heard everything.

"Fine I'll handle MATA while you're gone." Rama said as he rubbed his temples. "Why did we even promote Bakar."

"Eh he he sorry but being an general is hard work." Bakar said as Rama gave him an stern look.

"Even though your job is just look at the monitors and look at reports." Rama said as Bakar just rubbed the back of his head.

"Ok then its settled we go to sunway lagoon tomorrow." Ali said as everyone cheered.

Later that night.
Ali's house.

"So extra clothes check, swimsuits check, towels check, and wallet check." Ali said as he checked the contents of his bag. "I'm all ok here."

"We're ok here as well dad." Junior and Aliya said in their room.

"Ok how about you icha?" Ali said as he found that Alicia is just over packing. "Hold it Alicia what are you doing?"

After that Alicia look at him with an embarrased look as she packed way too many clothes and towels. She even packed an first aid kit, several sunblock, and surprisingly 2 blastiques.

"Well I just want to be ready for anything that's all." Alicia said as Ali just raise his left eyebrow.

"Really then why did you pack 2 blastiques." Ali said as Alicia sigh in defeat.

"Fine I didn't go to any water or theme parks when I was a kid and this is literally my first time." Alicia said as Ali just put his hand on her shoulder.

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