chapter 13

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Graf zeppelin its your turn to say it

Now get off my property copyright mob_________________________________________

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Now get off my property copyright mob

2 weeks later
Alicia's PoV

"Ali you ok?" I said as Ali exited the training area.

It's been 2 weeks since that incident luckily Ali has been with me ever since then and we do our routine together. And during those weeks apparently papa didn't let Ali rest and do a 3 to 4 hour intense physical training and after that he rest for the 1 day then back to training. He is a bit lonely at his home since an typhoon hits and his father is now stuck in that business trip that he's in so sometimes I went to his home to spend time with him.

Although it does have its perk because as Ali kept getting taller and taller, hes now taller than me by 9 inch, and he's getting bulky. And his voice get deeper getting that sexy voice that I now enjoy.

"I'm ok icia." He said as he sat down wiping his head with an towel. "How about you?"

"Well unlike the azurium incident this doesn't traumatized me that much." I said as I jump him and hugged his sweaty body tightly. "Because you're around."

Then I felt something as I hug him. I can feel his new abs through his agent suit.

"Alicia if you dont get off you're gonna feel something much more harder than that." Ali said as he blushed and I refused get off of him.

I then grabbed the towel and wipe his blushing face. I remembered something important.

"So how are you gonna explain to your dad." I said as Ali looked at me confused. "If he returned from that business trip he's on."

"Well he's in Japan trying to get an partner ship but he said an storm hits and he's stranded but yeah I see your point." He said in an surprisingly calm voice because I'm so used to the normal panicking Ali. "But dont worry I'll explain to him."

He said as he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to his sweaty body and kissed me. We stayed like this until...

"DEY! DONT DO THAT HERE." Rama said startling the two.

"Sorry general." Ali said as I got off of him.

"ISH, if I became an grandfather while you two are still 15 I'll rip your balls out." He said as Ali gulped.

"Dont worry general I'll assure you that it wont happened." Ali said as I rubbed by shoulder.

"Now since you two are talking about Dr. Ghazali I have recieved confirmation that he managed to get off japan and is returning home." Rama as Ali's eyes widened.

"H-how?" Ali said clearly surprised.

"Apparently japan has developed an plane than can safely take off even in bad weather and is now testing them and that plane is heading here." Rama said as he pulled out an small device that showed an hologram.

"Ali after careful consideration the 2 remaining core leaders authorized you to use your droids in missions as part of your equipment." Rama said as Ali's eyes widened once more.

"Wait why are we talking about this." He said as I nodded.

"Because we recieved that terrorist are planning to take the plane the moment it landed." Rama said as he showed the plane already halfway in its course. "If you're gonna ask they used an Concorde as its basis."

"So you're telling us that an supersonic aircraft capable of flying through storms are heading in cyberaya and terrorist groups has their eyes on it." I said as the General nodded. "Why

"Not the plane itself Alicia they're eyes are focusing on Dr. Ghazali." Rama said as the hologram zoom in Ali's father which is carrying an briefcase.

"According to our sources Dr. Ghazali has secure some plans including drones, communications, and weapons some of which required azurium to activate. It is you're mission to get to the airport and secure it and make sure that the terrorists or worse case scenario dos and trez dont get their hands on those plans. You're leaving in 15 minutes Ejen Rizwan and Bakar will accompany you. Bertindak segera!"

15 minutes later

I'm waiting in the lobby as Rizwan and Bakar arrived in their undercover outfits. Rizwan having an white Tshirt underneath an black jacket and a cap wearing Jeans while me and Bakar wearing our casual outfit. (A/N: Just imagine Alicia's outfit in the movie which I still haven't watched)

"He's late." Rizwan said as I looked at the clock

"Sorry took me a while to find something that fits me." Ali said as he appeared down the corridor.

Instead of wearing his casual outfit hes wearing blue undershirt with an navy blue unbuttoned Polo with long sleeves and wearing jeans and ofcourse theres an lollipop in his mouth.

"Sorry I have to use these since my normal casual wear no longer fit me." He said as Rizwan did a tumbs up when he inspected Ali's clothes.

"Dont worry I'll help you shop later now let's go save my brother in law." He said as we turned around and walk towards the parking lot. "So what's our transportation for today."

Then an koenigsegg gemera pulled up infront of us. And the doors opened revealing an Droid.

"Master your chariot awaits." The droids said as it disembark the car and went towards the elevator.

Rizwan eyes widened as Bakar simply looked at awe as he slowly walked slowly and when it reached the hood he kneeled down and hugged it.

"So this is an koenigsegg gemera." He said as he rub the hood as Rizwan just stared at it.

"Ish what is it with men and cars." I said as Ali just used the remote to open the door.

"Who who's gonna drive it?" Ali said as Bakar and Rizwan fight over the driver's seat which Rizwan eventually won.

15 minutes later.

We reached the airport on the other side of cyberaya so fast because Rizwan decided to go full speed ahead and man this thing travel so fast. Then as we stop at the parking at the parking space at the entrance of the airport a lot of passing people looked at the car. When the doors opened Ali, Rizwan, and Bakar is wearing sunglasses. Then Ali opened the front and the back of the car revealing 4 bags. Bakar took the blue one, Rizwan took the white one, Ali took the midnight blue bag up in one in the front then lastly I took the yellow one.

"For an engine this small it sure runs fast." I said as I saw the engine then Ali tapped my shoulder.

"Let's go Alicia." He said as we went inside and Ali closed the doors and the hoods and locked them.

Then we went inside and prepared for the mission


Sorry if it's a bit short for my chapters I'll promise I'll make it up in the next. Also thanks again for the support I'm near the 500 reads milestone and I thank you for that.

Now stay tuned for the next chapter.

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