chapter 14

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Like I said I dont own ejen Ali

10 minutes later.

Ali and Alicia is sitting together on the seats in arrivals waiting for Dr. Ghazali's plane to land. Then several people walked out of the gate and the last person who left is Dr. Ghazali as well.

"Alicia here we found Dr. Ghazali." Alicia said as Ali hid behind used an newspaper to prevent his dad from seeing him.

"Roger that." Rizwan said over the radio as Bakar suddenly spoke up

"Hey Ali what's in these luggages?" Bakar asked as they can all hear him chew a burger.

"Well inside it is those drones that suit us up and they can also be used as an shield generator just in case they decided to shoot us each cases has 1 atlas as well." Ali said as Alicia opened her suitcase and it contained a small drone, her weapons, and an yellow Atlas.

"Psst Ali." Alicia whispers as she gestured the yellow Atlas.

"I'll tell you later Icia." Ali whispered back as Alicia nodded and closed the case again

"If you two are done flirting then you might want to stay alert." Rizwan said as an elderly man followed by men in sunglasses arrived.

"Ish not him." Ali said as he pulls out IRIS from its special container.

"HMMMM is that the old man that kicked your butt Mr super agent." Rizwan said as analogman and his henchmens walked in

"Dont remind me Rizwan." Ali said as Alicia shivered when she remembered that she lost to that grandpa.

"Let's keep an close eye on him." Bakar said as analogman split his henchmens into multiple groups.

"Psst Ali." Alicia whispered to Ali who's busy observing an henchmen holding an briefcase.

"What?" Ali whispered back as he continues to observe the guy.

"Can you scan them so we know what we're up against?" She said as Ali whispered and activate IRIS.



Scan complete

Then Ali's eyes widened.

"What's the matter?" Alicia asked as Ali didn't respond. "Ali are you even listening."

"Rizwan follow the 2 guys moving upstairs and make sure the sniper rifle inside his case doesn't get assemble, Uncle make sure those bombs are not deployed, Alicia, you and me must make sure analogman MUST NOT reach my dad." Ali said as Alicia gasped, Bakar responded with an ok and Rizwan just disappeared.

"Wait sniper rifle!?" Alicia said as Ali pulled her towards an secluded area with their luggage

"Yes now let's go before they do something that can hurt a lot of innocent people." He said the drones activate and they changed into their agent suit.

They tried to get near analogman but theres too many people and they dont want to risk it and they hide behind 2 pillars.

"Ish theres too many people." Alicia said as Bakar cant find a spot to change. "No wonder MATA doesn't have stations here."

"I have an idea." Ali said as Alicia look at him.

Then using the trebuchet he shot an smoke ball into the fire alarm smoke detector. Immediately the fire alarm turned on making analogman cover his ears and everyone starts making their way out of the airport.

But unfortunately for Dr Ghazali 1 of the henchmens blocked his way only for them to get hit by Alicia's projectiles.

"Grrr. GET THEM." Analogman said as the henchmens pulled out pistols and proceeds to shoot the 2 teenagers and making Dr Ghazali run away.

"Where do you think you're going." The  henchmen hit by Alicia said as he aimed his gun at Ghazali.

Only to get hit by Bakar.

"Heh you should have stayed down." Bakar said as Ghazali recognizes him.

"B-bakar?!" Ghazali said as Bakar gulped.

"Congratulations Bakar you just blow your cover." Rizwan said over the earpiece as he fought the 2 henchmens carrying the sniper.

"Oh shut up Rizwan." He said as he cuts communications and faced his brother in law. "So are you?"

"How am I WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING." Ghazali said as an bullet wissed pass him.

"I'll explain later me, Alilicia, and Rizwan has to deal with these guy." Bakar said as his earpiece exploded with jeers from his fellow agents.

"BAKAAAAARRRRR!!!/UNCLEEEEEEEE!!!" the other 3 agents said as Bakat realized what he just did.

"Woops sorry." Bakar said as he scratched his neck.

"Alilicia?" Ghazali asked as Bakar look at him.

"Oh just a thing that my coworkers at MATA created because your son got his growth sprouts and is now dating an girl named Alicia." Bakar said as comot dropped her invisibility and scratched Bakar's face.

"MOEW!" Comot said translating to "SHUT THE F*CK UP"

"Ehehehe I'll shut up now." Bakar said as everyone stopped everything as he literally just blurted out some personal information while Ali and Alicia blushed like an tomato.

After a bit everyone continued their fight and Bakar used his luggage and activate its shield to block the bullets.

"Quickly Ghazali get out of here." Bakar said as Comot meowed to get Ghazali's attention. And pointed to the exit.

"Quick dad get out of here. Dont worry a ship will be waiting for you." Ali said as he and Alicia dashed towards them as their previous position got overrun.

"A-Ali is that you?!" Ghazali said as he cant believe at what Ali just become even though hes only gone for a few weeks.

"Yes now get out and get to the ship." Ali said as he activates his electric stickies releasing high voltage electricity that shocked the huge squad of henchmens.

"Ok but I demand an explanation after this." Ghazali said as Ali, Bakar, Alicia and Comot cover his escape.

But before he exit he glanced at Ali and Alicia who worked in tandem as they shoot the henchmens trying to get to them.

"So she's Alicia." Ghazali said as the Ali and Alicia even switched their weapons to attack the henchmens. While Bakar fight analogman. "After this I should talk to my future daughter in law."

Then after that he exits the building and found an koenigsegg gemera that got vandalized (F Ali) and an giant jet black aircraft.

"Mister Ghazali." A droid said as he gestured him to enter the drop ship. "Your chariot awaits." (if you're asking this is the same droid that lost to Comot)

He then boarded the ship and it immediately left and head towards MATA HQ.

"Please be safe Ali." Ghazali said as the ship vanished from sight


Sorry for the slow update because Saturday and Sunday is my break day. Now thank you maeed437 for promoting this story I appreciate that. And thanks for all of you for making this story reach the 500 reads milestone now I'm aiming for 1K.

Once again thanks for everything and stay tuned and see you in the next chapter.

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