chapter 7

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You know what I'm about to say.


Present day

Ali stopped his flashbacks when Alicia started laughing so hard that she could barely control herself and fall down to the floor. After a good 5 minutes had passed Alicia managed to control herself. And went back and sat on the bed

"Did Rizwan really say that?" Alicia said as she still had a large grin on her face.

"Yeah he did in a french accent as well." Ali said as Alicia wiped a tear that fell down because she was laughing too hard.

"Well he ain't wrong but he did make a good impression of me." Alicia said as Ali scratched the back of his head. "Although I will punch you in the face instead if you did that on our first date if we even dated."

Ali blushed a bit when Alicia said first date. Although

"Actually that will be our 6th date." Ali said as Alicia looked at him with a surprise face.

"W-what do you mean?" Alicia said as Ali nervously chuckled

"We already have our first date." Ali said as Alicia blushed

"When?" Alicia said as she stared at him in disbelief

"After I left the training room I immediately went towards the med bay."

Back to the flashback

Ali continues to run towards the med bay remembering the montage lessons on how to date a girl when a snorting sound echoed and he instinctively turned around with his yoyo ready.

"Huh weird." He said as he only found some weird looking crab that disappeared suddenly. Choosing to ignore it he went back to running towards the med bay.

A few moments later.

Ali managed to reach the med bay and the 4 buster droids raised their right arm. But when Ali noticed it they turned it into a salute. Choosing to ignore it again he went inside the room instead.

When he did get inside Alicia ran and hugged him.

"I miss you." She said in a very adorable voice.

"I...ah...miss you too." Ali awkwardly said as he returned the hug.

"So where have you been Ali?" Alicia asked as she stared at Ali with her brown eyes. Ali found it to be very cute and he felt his cheeks heating up.

"Let's just say I have some things to take care of." He said as he continued to stare into Alicia's brown eyes with his own.

The two stared at each other's eyes as a camera appeared in the corner of the room with it's lens zooming in to the two teens

In the surveillance room

Rizwan and Karya can't believe what they're seeing. They just checked on their handiwork and they just saw Ali and Alicia already looking at each other's eyes while hugging each other.

They slowly zoom in the camera and both are slowly rising up from their seats to take a closer look when...

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Ejen Bakar said as he suddenly entered the room eating a large burger.

Then Bakar saw the monitors before he could take another bite of his burger. A few moments later he dropped the burger and marched towards the controls turning off the monitors.

"I think you two are too obsessed shipping my nephew with the general's daughter." Bakar said as the 2 inviso agents whose mouths are still wide open nodded.

He later led the 2 inviso agents out of the room and grabbed a mop to clean his mess. He did however turn the monitor on again and saw Alicia and Ali in a very tight embrace and both had a smile on their faces as they tightened their hug. Bakar soon turned the monitors again and let the cameras return to their passive automated state.

"My nephew is becoming a man." Bakar said as he grabbed the burger off the floor and put it into a garbage bin and mopped the ketchup off the floors.

Back to the couple a few moments earlier

Ali and Alicia are still staring at each other's eyes. When Ali decided to speak

"A-Alicia you have beautiful eyes." Ali said not realizing what he just said

"Same to you Ali." Alicia said as both of them blushed a shade of pink.

Then they later hugged each other in a tight embrace again. Both had a smile plastered on their faces as they felt each other's warm bodies ignoring everything else. Other than the sound of the door opening.

The buster droid opened the door and the other young agents saw what's happening inside.

Ali first noticed this and let go of Alicia and Alicia noticing that they're no longer alone walked several paces away from Ali. Both are now looking like tomatoes because of their blush.

Upon seeing that they just saw a sweet moment of a couple the other girls blushed a shade of pink while the other boys just stared in disbelief.

"I think we entered at the wrong moment." Iman said and Rosa gave her a "yeah no sh*t" look

"Yeah, let's just go." Rosa said as she and the others started to walk back from where they came.

"At least we know Alicia is fine." Moon said optimistically as she was elbowed by Mika.

"Oh hush you, we just ruined their moment." Mika said as she, Rosa, and Iman nodded.

The other boys however

"So wanna bet guys." Chris said as he and the other boys looked at him.

"So what's the bet?." Khai asked as Chris smiled

"Why do they have their first date of course." Chris said, gaining the attention of the others.

showed them his new detective jebat action figure.

"I bet my new limited edition detective jabalt action figure if Ali asks Alicia out for a date and kisses her on the lips." Christ said as the other boys nodded.

"I bet my weekly allowance if Ali kisses Alicia on the cheeks." Jet said as he shows them his wallet

"I bet my new electric screwdriver if Ali accidentally ruined Alicia's dress." Bulat said as they showed them his new screwdriver

Zass showed them his new pair of sneakers. And write a note saying

"I bet my sneakers if Ali's cat ruined their date."

It was Rudy's turn but.

"I'll just watch what happened and tell you guys. I wanna see how this turns out." He said smiling

"So it's settled then." Chris said as everyone nodded. "Now let's just wait until Ali asked Alicia out

Back to Ali and Alicia

They still stood there with an awkward silence hanging in the air.

"So um Alicia." Ali said nervously still blushing

"W-what is it Ali?" She said as she rubbed her left arm.

That's when Ali grabbed her hands and took a deep breath.

"You wanna eat dinner with me later?" Ali asked, making Alicia confused by what he meant.

But before she could ask anything the door suddenly opened.

"It means Ali is asking you out, my dear daughter." General Rama said as Ali let go of Alicia's hands and saluted.


Welp I rushed this chapter because it's our 1st online exam tomorrow.

Anyways that's all for today stay tuned for the next chapter.

Edit: fix some errors

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