chapter 25

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Welp if you saw the questions last chapter better answer that first.

Also this is sad to say but this is the last chapter of the story. After 1 month we reached 2.33k and I thank you'll for that.

It is time now the MATA foundation day has come. Its early in the morning and everyone is preparing the final preparations like food and seats and the stage as well as TV screens for an documentary of the history of MATA.

The 2nd generation of pillar chiefs is now rehearsing their speeches for the event. And everything must be perfect.

Meanwhile a drop ship appeared and landed on the landing platform and the retired Agent Dayang, Ganz, Rizwan disembarked the ship. And Bakar greeted them back to MATA.

"Hey nice to see that you got my invitation." Bakar said as the retired agents nodded.

"Well it is the foundation ceremony and I want to see how much things have changed since mister super agent took over." Dayang said as an the newly designed droid walked towards them. "And I see that a lot of things have changed."

"Heh what's so special about this droid." Ganz said as he look at the blue droid. "All I see that he changed the color of it."

"Well Ganz that droid now has stronger grenades and pulse weapons." Bakar said as the droid demonstrated its weapons by shooting down a moving black drone. "Huh didn't know that we have black drones oh well so shall we go in."

4:00 pm

After a while we managed to make things right. And the time has come to start the event.

"Ok test testing." Ali said testing the mic. "Ok my fellow agents how are you all."

The agents, which is now mostly the second generation of agents, screamed ok.

"What I cant hear you!" Ali said as the crowd screamed even louder. "Ok ok now as you all know this is the MATA foundation day and it's great to see the new generation of agents are doing fine."

Alicia then took over the stage.

"Well now as you all know we spent several years defending cyberaya together." Alicia said as the crowd cheered.

Then Rudy got on the stage.

"And as you all know that we got our ups and downs during this." Rudy said as the crowd remember that even the next generation got a few casualties. "So how about a moment of silence for those who are not with us today."

Everyone was silence for a bit as some of their fellow agents didn't survive the year. Then Iman got on top of the stage.

"As we all know that losses can happen anytime." Iman said as the crowd continued to be solemn. "But we must always  move on no matter how bad it is."

After that the crowd got happy again.

"And that's why we are here." Ali said as  the Tekno emblem appeared behind him.

"To make sure that we move on." Alicia said as the Neuro emblem appeared behind her.

"As a family." Iman said as the Kombat emblem appeared behind her.

"So that their sacrifice will not be in vain." Rudy said as the Inviso emblem appeared behind him.

"And to make sure that we stand together to defend our beloved city from those who dared to harm it." The 4 said as their emblems grow brighter. "We are MATA and we stand together as one."

After that the crowd cheered at them.

"But before we go on we want to show you something." Ali said as an giant screen was slowly brought down. "We are about to show you a short documentary of our past when we are young."

"So we can show you how much MATA basically grown in our perspective." Alicia said as the crowd took their respected seats on the tables.

The screen showed the entire Ejen Ali season 1, 2 and the movie in summary form. For hours they all spent watching it until the end and was amazed by the amount of change that their pillar leaders went through.

After roughly 3 ½ hours of watching the episodes the 4 returned to the stage.

"And yes I was like that even since the start ok." Ali said as he scratch the back of his neck as the crowd laughed. "Now we can put the special guess on stage."

"Who are they well its non other than the 2 original pillar leaders of Kombat and Tekno former ejen Dayang and Bob Ross." Rudy said as the crowd laughed while Ganz prepared to throw a giant fist at Rudy. "Sorry I meant Former Ejen Ganz."

After a running away Ganz and Dayang, the latter was trying to stop her laugh while Ganz who's annoyed got on the stage.


"Nice joke Rudy." Ali said as he and Rudy high five.

"Well it's not my fault he use an old hair style." Rudy said as Iman slap the back of his head. "What at least I didn't went for scary makeup brush."

"Ok now that's just rude Rudy." Iman said as she suddenly burst out laughing. "Funny but rude."

"Oh come on here you." Rudy said as he pulled Iman close for a kiss.

Then Junior and Aliya appeared and hugged their parents.

"Mom dad." Junior said as Ali picked him up while Alicia picked up Aliya II

"What's the matter junior?" Ali asked as his son hugged him.

"Is it true that you lost someone close to you." Junior asked as Ali just hug him back.

"Yes it's true junior." Ali said as Junior's hug got tighter. "Let me guess you dont want to lose me dont you."

Junior nodded while Aliya II hugged Alicia tightly as well. And the twins started to cry

"Dont worry son I wont leave you." Ali said as he wiped junior's tears.

"Promise dad." Junior said as Ali nodded.

"Promise." Ali said as Alicia started to cry as well. "I promise that I wont leave you all."

After that they got into an family hug. While everyone in the backstage started to cry themselves.

"Besides who doesn't want to see their own son be an super agent like his father." Ali said as he nuggy junior.

"R-really dad do you think I have the skills to be like you." Junior said as Ali nodded.

"Ofcourse son ofcourse." Ali said as junior hugged him again.

"Ok enough with this." Rudy said as he wiped his tears. "If you continue this the entire backstage will be flooded."

After a short while with their tears finally dried they all went and watched the night sky out of the window.

_________________the end_______________?

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