chapter 10

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I dont own ejen ali


"Well after a few hours of shopping I went home and tried on my suit." Ali said as he continued the flashback


"I cant believe they made this so fast." Ali said as he tried on his new suit.

His suit is a navy blue tuxedo suit for his date and is tailored to fit his small size. Because he's still a midget compared to Alicia and other teen.

"Wonder if this will still fit if I get my long awaited growth sprout." Ali said as he ready his leather brown shoes. "Thank god for dad being a founder of cyberyara or else I couldn't afford this."

He looked at his phone and found that's it's almost 6:45 PM then realized one thing.

"I dont have a car!" He said as comot face slapped

Then he heard a knock on the door. He went down stairs as he fixed his tuxedo and found that a MATA droid is waiting outside. And what's surprising for the droids is that its wearing a butler's outfit and a hat

"Master your chariot awaits." The droid said as he showed that theres a navy blue koenigsegg gemera estoque waiting for him.

"H-how...why and what?" Ali said as the droid explained that the factory that they're they come from also stores some sports cars and override mode of IRIS registers the car as his father's.

Comot and Ali's mouth was wide open as the droid opened the door and gesture for them to get inside.

"Note to self get drivers license when I get older." Ali said as Comot nodded and they both went inside. "Thank god that I got you a bath before this Comot."

After that they drived towards Alicia's house during which Ali combed his hair using the grooming kit that Rizwan gave him.

14 minutes later.

General Rama is waiting outside his own house as Alicia and the other girls forced him out.

"Forced out from my own home and I have to wait for that poor excuse for an agent." Rama said as he looked at his watch. "Who's about to be late AGAIN!"

Then as if on cue a navy blue koenigsegg gemera pulled over in front of him. The door opened and revealed Ali with a lollipop in his mouth wearing a navy blue tuxedo suit. And Ali looks like a mini Rizwan

"That's a lot of navy blue colors Ali or should I say mini Rizwan." Rama said with a smirk on his face. It's not everyday that he can tease someone.

"Haha General." Ali said as he rolled his eyes and asked. "So is Alicia ready?"

Then the front door of the house opened and moon comes out.

"Gentlemen presenting." Moon said as she mimics the sound of a trumpet. "Alicia."

Then Ali, comot, and Rama's eyes went wide while the drone butler stared. Because Alicia is wearing a beautiful canary yellow dress and cherry red lipstick while holding a matching yellow purse. Alicia was stopped in her tracks when he saw Ali.

"Sorry we want Alicia to have a red dress but she want yellow." Iman said as Ali just stared

"Earth to Ali." Rosa said as she waved her hand infront of Ali.

The his lollipop dropped to the ground and that snapped him back to existence.

"Uh sorry about that." He said as he picked up the lollipop and threw it away. During this Alicia returned back to normal

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