chapter 11

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I dont own ejen ali

The next day

The next day Alicia and Ali both woke up in 4 AM in the morning thanks to their phone alarms. First Alicia was confused because she knows Ali doesn't wake up at these times but Ali was quick to react and told her that ever since their date he changed his lifestyle.

Luckily Ejen Geetha is awake as well and cleared Ali to be discharged from the med bay but advice him to not do any physical activities or else his slashed stomach area may open again.

After leaving the med bay they went towards the cafeteria and ate together.

"So I guess we're dating for real this time." Alicia said with a slight blush as Ali just nodded.

"Yeah technically we did 6 dates already but that's when you're you know lost your memories." Ali said as Alicia's eyes went wide.

"We did how many dates." Alicia said as she quickly swallowed her food.

"Well after the first one we did another date this time a lunch date where we travel all across the city, then a picnic date at the park, then another dinner date, then a cinema date, then we did another dinner date and lastly well." Ali trailed off the last one.

"Well what's the 6th date?" Alicia asked as Ali took a deep breath.

"Last date isn't actually a date at the start but we mostly spent the whole day together, went to that new skating, went to the same karaoke night club and has a dinner date and lastly we sleep together." Ali said as he rubbed his left shoulder while he has a light blush on his face. "Next day after that is the day where you return back to normal."

"Oh well that explains why I felt lonely the moment I woke up a few days back." Alicia said as she stared at Ali menacingly

"Dont worry we didn't do "IT" ok." Ali said as Alicia sighed in relief.

"So you're still going to school instead of resting." Alicia asked as Ali shook his head.

"Well the thing is." Ali said as he explained to Alicia that he was now a perfect

"Why did you even join the prefects Ali." Alicia said as she was slowly becoming irritated.

"Because." Ali said as he stands up and grabbed Alicia's hands and looked straight at her eyes. "You got bullied and I joined just too look after you."

Alicia cant believe what Ali just said she the head of the prefects got bullied and his new boyfriend (well ish) joined in just to protect her.

She took a deep breath and look at Ali with her eyes burning in hatred and asked "Who are the idiots that bullied me"

2 hours later.

Alicia returned to her house and changed to her school uniform. The moment she stepped foot inside the school a lot of the students looked at her with confusion. Then her friend Mia walked towards her.

"Hey Alicia where's Ali." Mia asked and a koenigsegg gemera pulled over and revealed Ali with a lollipop in his mouth.

And like with Alicia they stared at him with confusion.

"Why is everyone staring at us." Alicia asked her friend

"Because normally you and Ali will arrive in that cool looking sports car hand in hand." Mia said which took Alicia off guard.

"Tell me what happen later Mia I have business to attend to." Alicia said as she cracked her knuckles which made a few students walked away from the triggered Alicia.

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