chapter 12

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I dont own ejen Ali come on you know that

Alicia's PoV

Me and Ali continue this for a week and we always get some stares from the other students. Thankfully Ali made an fast recovery and his wound is now healed and he can do physical activities again. Apparently when that incident happened it turned me into a shy and vulnerable girl who hides behind Ali. Augh no wonder he became an perfect. Not that I care since Ali actually changed his stupid lifestyle for me. Unfortunately I became a bit insecure after a week.

"Sheesh Ali stop doing that." I said as Ali who's now taller than me nuggy me.

He just laughed at my blushing face.

"Sorry but I'm not your boyfriend remember." He said at his new handsome face.

Dang it why do you have to hit puberty now. Ali looks so...perfect and it's making me a bit insecure because I'm used to the old baby cheeks Ali. Not the face that will remind me of Rizwan. Dang you and your new lollipop addiction.

"Aww is my little Alicia flustered." He said as he suddenly lifts me bridal style. "Come here."

"LET ME DOWN YOU IDTIOT WE'RE IN PUBLIC!" I screamed out in embarrassment as some of the students looks at our direction.

"Fine you're no fun." He said as he puts me down.

"Ish let me adjust at your new looks first OK!" I said as he nodded.

"Fine but remember this is the face that's dating you now." He said as he walks away to continue his rounds

I started to walk the other way but still have my blush on my face and I found the one of the idiots who I beat up, Syed, painting graffitis. Again.

"You never learn dont you." I said as they turned around with their faces still covered in bandages.

But when they looked at me instead of looking afraid they looked enraged.

"Oh look it's her." Syed said as he cracked his knuckles. "Tell me did Ali did IT to you?"

"What you talking about." I said as he snapped his fingers.

Then I felt someone behind me and before I can look around an arm was wrapped around my neck I felt a small pinch. When I turned my head I saw Shaun with an injection.

I felt my body weakened. And my vision blurred. They carry me in an Alleyway and I know what's gonna happen next then I cried and fainted. A few minutes later I woke up and felt someone carrying me and I slash out.

A few moments earlier.

Ali's PoV

I was walking down the hallways when I saw Syed vandalizing an wall. Again. I tried to go down there myself when Alicia arrived. I was watching the scene unfold when I saw Shaun holding an injection. And I immediately went down as fast as I can. I reached the area where I last saw them and they're gone.

"Dang it." I said as I looked around but I saw no one but an needle on the ground.

I used my handkerchief to grabbed it and put it in a plastic bag that I keep around me. Then I was forced to used drastic measures.

"I hate doing this but F*CK IT." I said as I pull out IRIS and scan the area. I found them in heading towards an alley.

I moved as quick as I can and when I reached the alley way Alicia was unconscious on the ground with her clothes pulled up and I caught Syed holding out her undergarments playing with it while Shaun records.

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