chapter 20

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Ok I dont own ejen Ali


"So who's Ali's opponent?" Dayang asked as everyone kept their eyes on Ali.

Then 14 turn to 15 minutes

"Why is there nobody here." Ali asked and as if on cue a song was heard that made everyone's eyes widened as an engine was heard. And it made Alicia in the locker room look away in embarrassment.

"Ah shoot." Ali said as an white jeep with General Rama wearing sunglasses holding his umbrella is standing on top of it suddenly appeared on top of him and the doors opened and the mamak maju gang jumped out it.


Ali's PoV

"Ah shoot." that's all that I can say as Rahul, Razman, and Rajesh tried to squash me as they land.

Luckily Satria helmet activate and I used the new and improved aero boots to dodge the shockwave that they always create when they jump out of that thing.

Unfortunately I got an alert and when I looked up I saw Rama about to squash me with the jeep. I managed to dodge but I dash straight into Razman and his pole.

He managed to hit me in the stomach and I fly straight into Rama where he wacked me with his mace umbrella. Why must blunt weapons hurt so bad.

After that I fly straight into an wall and made a dent that's in the shape of me.

"Why must I fight Alicia's adoptive family." I said as I recovered from the hit and stand up.

"I'm surprised that you're still up." Rama said as he turned his mace umbrella back to an umbrella. "So you throwing in the towel."

"Of course not general you just surprised me." I said as I shrugged off the pain from their hits and stand. "It will take more than that to beat me."

After that I pulled out my shockwave pistols and began shooting Razman but Rahul managed to get in front of him before the lasers hit and blocked it with the egg crêpe that he's spinning and throw the thing revealing his chakram.

I managed to dodge it and saw Rajesh running at me and began to shoot him with my pistols but he dodge it by doing his moves that he always make when he's mixing the beverages. He managed to close the gap and pulled out his daggers.

I put away the pistols and instinctively reached from Djin's katana and me and Rajesh is locked in a melee.

Back in the control room.

"I think I trained him a bit too far in the Inviso pillar." Rizwan said as Ali successfully mimics Djin's fighting style.

"Well technically we used all our combat data and put it into satria." Ganz said as Comot moewed below him. "Ish I hate you cat I demand an rematch."

After that Ganz pulled out and table and the deck of cards and began shuffling them.

"Same wager this time I let you use my hair as an bed for 30 minutes and if I win you have a bath twice a day." Ganz said as Comot raised her paw and Ganz hand shake her and look at his cards to start their game of poker.

A few moments later

King of hearts, Ace of hearts, and an Jack of hearts.

"HA 3 ACES." Ganz said as he shows his 2 ace of diamonds and clover. "Beat that cat."

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