chapter 16

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You know the drill



"GHAZALI!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" She said her voice beats my father's record.

"A-aliya I-I can explain." Ghazali said as an buster droid grabbed Ghazali's shoulders.

"I think we need to move this to the other meeting room." Dayang said as the hologram Aliya continues to scold the poor Dr Ghazali who was already slapped and got an mouthful of scolding from Dayang and Gheetha.

Then we all move to the other room.

Ali's PoV

I dont know what just happened. First mom is somehow managed to transfer herself to an flash drive and is scolding dad about his parenting and Ejen Dayang is here. What is going on!

We finally entered the room and an tense atmosphere was made. Nobody talk for a few moments until.

"So Ali you maybe confused why I'm here." Ejen Dayang said as I shook my head.

"Why are we here?" I asked. "Is it because of dad."

"Technically no." General Rama said but still glared at me. "That's another topic later."

Then we heard an muffled sound of dad pleading for mercy followed by an angry shout of mom.

"Maybe tomorrow depends if Dr. Ghazali survived." General Rama said as the muffled sounds stopped suddenly which made almost everyone's get the chills.

"Well we're here for an very important announcement." Dayang said as her drones showed an holographic letter which Alicia reads and later gasped.

"Y-you're retiring!" Alicia said in shock as Dayang and Ghanz nodded.

Then my uncle entered with an surprised face.

"Uncle did you heard that." I said as my uncle look at me with an shock face

"I-I know my sister is back." He said as everyone facepalm and Comot, who's quietly listening, grabbed the drone and showed it to uncle.

"Oh what's this Comot?" Uncle said casually as he picked up the drone. "I Ejen Dayang the pillar chief of Tekno is formally announcing my retirement...RETIREMENT!"

"Yes you useless excuse for an agent now we're gonna do an training exercise for the new pillar chiefs." Rama said as we all looked at him.

"New pillar chiefs?!" I said as Rama nodded. "Let me guess the new Tekno pillar chief is Ejen geetha."

Then Ejen Dayang shook her head.

"Normally the mentors will be chosen but we decided to choose in the young agents instead." Ejen Dayang said as she put her hand on my shoulder's. "And I choose you Ali to be my successor."

Then my eye's widened as Ejen Dayang's drones suddenly starts orbiting me and putting the Tekno insignia on my shoulder pads.

"Take my drones as an gift you're free to modify them as you wish." Dayang said as she sat down on her chair.

"Congratulations Ali now your training will be upped to the maximum difficulty as you're now gonna be the new pillar chief." Rama said as he looked at Alicia. "Alicia you're gonna get the same upped training as you're gonna be the new pillar chief of the Neuro."

Then a normal MATA droid appeared and put the Neuro core insignia on her shoulder pads.

"Now bakar call Iman and Rudy and they will be the new Kombat and Inviso pillar chiefs." Rama said as Uncle saluted. "Now Alilicia get some rest because your training will start tomorrow."

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