Chapter 4

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Again me dont own ejen ali


"Ok ok just sit down ok." He said as he opened another lollipop to replace the one he spat out but before he can put it in his mouth it I took it and place it in my mouth instead.

"So rizwan talk." I said as he did the same thing this time me not taking the lollipop and he sat down still rubbing the spot where I kicked him.

"Ok so where do I start

Ali's PoV

I woke up from the bed with a headache. When I opened my eyes I was blinded a bit before they finally adjust and I found myself in the infirmary. The felt a slight brush on my arm when I look its was alicia. Resting her head on the bed besides me. I subconsciously put my hand on her head and began rubbing and petting her head.

"Huh this remind me of what happened a few weeks ago." I said when alicia suddenly turned her head and revealed shes actually awake and aware I'm petting her. Which made me almost fall over the bed in shock but alicia grabbed my hand that I used to pet before I fall over.

"So it is true about what rizwan said ali. About you and me dating." Alicia said as she gave me her cold stoic gaze.

"Yes" I said as she sat on the side of the bed.

"I want you to tell me from the start ali." She said as she fix her hair. "If you're gonna ask you're out cold for 3 days and almost didn't made it."

"But how did you..." I said before she put a finger on my mouth shush me

"Interogated Rizwan about it." She said as she moves the curtains on my left and revealed rizwan being patched up with his face having a lot of bruises. Rizwan shuts the curtain back later.

"Now talk ali." She said as I nodded

"So now where would I start." I said when she put her face a bit too close

"At the start ali and dont skip anything." She said as she moves back to her previous sitting position on my bed.

Few weeks ago

I was in class as miss pua teaches us math. Despite feeling that my brain is about to explode I decided to stay awake. I noticed that alicia took a short look at me before returning to face the board. Then

"Attention teachers." Ejen karya said in the loudspeakers. "Mandatory earthquake drill is about to start begin earthquake procedures.

Me and alicia smiled at this because this is now the safest way to get out of class.

We did everything in the book and when we fall in line to exit me and alicia purposely stayed behind the class. When we reached the canteen we separated from class and went to the library and change to our agent suits.

"Ejen karya is doing a great job." I said as alicia just rolled her eyes.

We didn't speak to each other until we reached the briefing room where the others are waiting. Where the others are. Luckily comot knows how to get her all by herself now. Then since we are all here the general started the briefing

"We have an emergency situation. At our hands. Dos, tres and Dr. Aaron escape prison and is out in the streets again. The 2 of them isn't that big of a problem but we received reports that they will take over a droid production facility which produces both police and MATA droids. We believe that they will use the droids to get IRIS. It's your mission to stop these two from taking over the facility to make their own droids. Dont worry we stopped all activity in the factory just in case. Now ACT IMMEDIATELY!"

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