chapter 23

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We are near the end guys and I still dont own ejen Ali

Tekno class.

Junior managed to get to class in time before their mentor Rajesh, since geetha retired long ago, came.

"I see that you're all here." Rajesh said as junior panted in the back. "Good now look at your desks."

The new young agents looked down and saw Atlas: Tekno on their tables.

"Today will be an special assignment where you will learn how to use the Atlas and the Atlas net." Rajesh said as the young students picked up the Tekno variant of the Atlas. "Also Junior."

"Yes teacher." Junior said as Rajesh slowly walks towards him and grabbed his Atlas.

"You wont be joining us today." Rajesh said as the entire class look at junior which made junior both surprised and afraid. "Your father's orders."

"W-what did I do?!" Junior said as he began to sweat.

That's when Ali entered the room.

"Son here's the reason why I didn't allow you wont be joining them" Ali said as junior gulped. "Because you'll be training with me so you can master IRIS: Legacy."

Then Junior's eyes widened.

"R-really dad." He said as Ali nodded. "Wow cool."

The two left the classroom and went to an special training area.

"Wow where are we dad?" Junior asked as he look around the large room.

"Welcome to IRIS training room." Ali said as the room activates. "Its where I train when I was 10 and I think it's time to train you with legacy."

"Wow cool." Junior said as his father went towards the control panel.

"Ok ready junior." Ali said as he prepares to press the big red blinking button.

"Yes I'm ready papa." Junior said as Ali activates the first part of the training.

Meanwhile in the Neuro class

"Ok cadets as Neuro agents your job is to take out enemies at long range and be the overwatch for your team." Rama said as the next generation Neuro agents fire their weapons down an firing line. "Aliya I expect you to inherit your mother's skills."

As he said that Aliya missed 3 of her shots at the stationary target 50 meters away.

"Just when I said that as well." Rama said as Alicia came.

"Let me guess she's having trouble right papa." Alicia said as Rama nodded.

"S-sorry mama and grandpa." Aliya said as Alicia went to her side.

"You know there's one technique I know that can help you." Alicia said as Aliya perked up.

"Really! what is it?" Aliya said as Alicia kneeled down to her eye level.

"Just control your breathing and clear your mind." Alicia said as Aliya tilted her head sideways in confusion.

"Sheesh she is Ali's daughter." Rama thought as he saw Aliya's reaction.

"What I meant to say is relax yourself." Alicia said as Aliya gets the point.

"Oh ok." Aliya said as she turned around and relaxed then fired 5 shots in a row and all hit their marks.

"See Aliya if you relaxed a bit then you get better results." Alicia said as Aliya final shot accidentally broke her father's old invention the trebuchet.

"Oh no I accidentally broke papa's old invention." Aliya said as the old slingshot fell to the ground in pieces.

"Blame your father for that." Alicia said as she picked up the broken pieces of the old weapon. "He's very bad at reinforcing the durability of his weapons when he was young."

"What will I do now." Aliya said as she pouted because theres still the 100 meter target left standing.

"Here use this." Alicia said as she gave her old blastique. "Its the weapon I use since I was starting training and I think you need it more than I do."

"R-really mom." Aliya said as Alicia nodded. "Cool."

"Dont worry I have another one." Alicia said as she pulls out another blastique. "Like I said I trained with this for my whole life and I'm still not ready to part ways with my slingshots."

"Wow so this is your old weapon." Aliya said as she grabbed the blastique from her mother's hand.

The blastique has multiple scratch marks, wear, and is losing its yellow color but overall it's still durable.

"Ever since I was five Aliya." Alicia said as Aliya's eyes widened. "And I was training as an Neuro agent ever since I was one."

Then everyone in the room, minus Rama, was shocked to hear what Alicia just said.

"You've been training for that long." Aliya said as her mother nodded.

"Yep but theres an reason why I didn't do the same to you and junior." Alicia said as Aliya listened carefully. "One of the reason is because your father is against the idea and the second reason is we want you to experience an good childhood."

"Why?" Aliya asked in curiosity.

"Well for starters I myself was confined in the training rooms of MATA." Alicia said as she remembers the times where she was stuck in the training rooms with instructors. "And I barely have fun."

"Really." Aliya said as Alicia nodded.

"Until I met your father ofcourse." Alicia said as she recalls the amount of times she punished Ali for being late.

"Really what did dad do to change your life mama?" Aliya asked as Alicia just smile at her curiosity.

"I tell you later now you need to train." Alicia said as she went to the observation platform. "Now continue your training."

Then everyone went back to training and Aliya's accuracy has improved significantly since then.

Back at the IRIS training room

Junior managed to get an average overall score. Which doesn't satisfy him.

"Eh? why didn't I got an higher score?" Junior said as he look at the tally while clearly tired.

"Junior remember this IRIS: Legacy and Satria: tekno requires you to focus." Ali said as junior look at him. "Dont worry I did the same mistakes like you."

"But Legacy is faster than the normal IRIS and Satria: Tekno further enhance that." Junior said as Ali put his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Remember both devices takes you to account." Ali said as Junior tilted his head to the side. "Basically if you're not focus enough then both of those devices will perform much more poorer."

"Oh ok dad." Junior replied as sadly.

"Oh come here junior." Ali said as he pick up his son. "Here how about I treat you with your favorite ice cream to cheer you up."

Then junior perked up.

"Really dad." Junior said as Ali nodded. "You're the best dad."

After that Junior hugged his father tightly and Ali responded by patting his back.

"Now come on we better hurry and continue your training." Ali said as he runs towards the cafeteria.


Sorry if it's a bit shorter than usual. And wifi is still being an large problem so heres my update for today and maybe later I'll update again. Also this story is just an month old and I'm very happy at the progress that this story made.

An I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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