chapter 3

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Same as before I dont own ejen ali


Geetha answered it. Then all they heard are sobbing from alicia.

"Alicia what's happened?!" Bakar said as he knows alicia doesnt cry

"E-ejen down I-I re-repeat ejen ali is down." Alicia said

The moment they heard those words all 4 mentors immediately went out. Leaving Khai and Bulat surprised and confused.


Alicia's PoV
A few moments after the call ends

I just can believe it. Ali protected me from dos. I'm currently cradling Ali's head on my chest hugging it close as is cry. But I dont know why but I never cry like this and I cant stop it. But enough of that it's my mission to protect ali and instead he protected me instead. Even if I'm in a puddle of Ali's blood

"A-Ali hold on b-backups o-on it's way." I said as I continues to cry. "P-please hold on j-just a bit longer."

I cant think straight and I continue to hugged Ali's unconscious head. Then my communicator activates.

"Alicia hold on we're coming." Bakar said

"H-hurry p-please." I said as I felt Ali's pulse weakens.

2 minutes later

I've been crying and cradling Ali's head for a long time now. I already ran out of tears to cry and Ali is feeling colder as the time past. Then I heard the sounds of a MATA truck coming. Then I saw the 4 mentors rushing towards us.

Then everything went black.


I suddenly found myself in the infirmary. But it's a bit brighter than usual and I'm holding a science book. I cant control my body for some odd reason it's like I'm spectating myself. Is this more of a memory than a dream then why cant I remember it. Then I heard his voice

"Hey alicia, how are you doing." Ali said as my body put the book down and I saw Ali's sweet face uncomfortably too close for comfort

"Well I'm bored since theres a quiz tomorrow and I still cant remember things. But I'm fine." The alicia I'm spectating said and judging by the reflection on Ali's eyes smiling like a small girl.

"Well here's your lunch." Ali said as he reached behind him and shows a tray full of my favorites.

"Aww thanks, come here you." The alicia in the dream said as I saw her kiss ali in the cheeks.


Then ali made that childlike grin of his and suddenly leaned to give the alicia in the dream a kiss in the dream in the lips.

I my eyes went wide. This has to be a dream but if it one then why am I dreaming about me and ali kissing and if it's a memory then why cant I remember it.

Then rizwan suddenly made himself present

"So when's the proposal so you two can marry and have kids and make me an uncle." He said as I woke up in disgust.

Back in the real world

I stirred from my sleep and found myself in the infirmary. Unlike in the dream it's just normal lighting and theres no ali. Wait where is he.

But before I can get out of the bed and went out to find him a familair hand grabbed my shoulder

"You better be careful Alicia." Ejen rizwan said while eating his lollipop.

Which he spat out because I kicked him in the balls. When he collapsed down to the ground I stepped on his pretty boy head and gave him a look that can kill.

"Rizwan what's that talk about you saying you're gonna be an uncle and me dating ali." I said menacingly

"Well for 1 you made me lost a bet with Ejen Karya and 2 you remember that." He said as he continues to squirm in the ground.

"Is that the incident that the general said earlier." I asked and he nodded as I removed my foot from his face and he slowly rise up from the ground. Then I grabbed him back to eye level

"Good because I'm gonna need you to talk about the entire thing." I said as he nodded and raised his arms in defense

"Ok ok just sit down ok." He said as he opened another lollipop to replace the one he spat out but before he can put it in his mouth it I took it and place it in my mouth instead.

"So rizwan talk." I said as he did the same thing this time me not taking the lollipop and he sat down still rubbing the spot where I kicked him.

"Ok so where do I start"

To be continued

Yes it's short I know but I'll make it up in the next chapter

A/N I need to rewrite this part so I unpublished it

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