chapter 21

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Me: welcome to flight i dont own ejen Ali. This is your captain speaking we are now near the end of our trip and I hope all of you have a good day. This flight has taken off since August 27 last month and we have a good time but good things must come to an end. So let us enjoy these last 5 chapters together. Thanks and enjoy.

8 years later...
Near Cyberaya harbor.

Komeng and his gang is at it again an is now trying to hijack an convoy carrying azurium. Nearing the driver's seat of the lead truck komeng jumped and is now trying to pry open the door. Until they pass underneath an overpass and someone else jumped on top.

"Oi who's that." One of Komeng's tugs said as the mysterious figure shoot one of the lead motorcycles of the gang.

"Hey what are you standing there for get him." Komeng said as some of the tugs jumped and climbed up the container unit while some of them used their stolen drones to attack the figure.

But before they can do anything 5 ball shaped drones appeared and knocked the tugs off the container unit and 6 gasings destroyed the drones.

"What the." Komeng said as another figure wearing some sort of suit appeared on the road.

The driver tried to steer away from him but his truck's automated system prevents him and instead sped up.

Suddenly the figure upholstered 1 pistol and fired an shockwave.

"Ah shi-." One of the tugs said as he felt and powerful wave that knocked him and everyone behind him off their bikes and the ones who managed to evade the shockwave found themselves getting shot at by the armored guy.

Then the figure of the top upholstered 2 pistols and began shooting the ones on the left.

Komeng could only watch as his strong gang was getting ripped to shreds then suddenly an shawl wrapped itself on his torso pulling him off the truck but before he landed on the road at high speeds he instead landed on someone.

He looked up and saw a beautiful woman wearing some sort of holographic lens on her left eye and he found his head between her chests. But before he can do anything 2 shackles wrapped attached themselves on his wrist and he felt himself flying on the air and suddenly found himself attached to an wall.

"Do you really have to do that." A guy in white wearing the same holographic lens on his left eye said as the woman giggled and kissed the guy.

"Well its better to have him see something before he rot in prison." The woman said making komeng's eye widened.

"Really Iman you really have to catch him using your chest." The figure who used to be on top of the truck said.

"Jealous much Alicia." Iman said as the figure removed the helmet and revealed another beautiful woman who's also wearing the same holographic lens.

"Dont worry Alicia I still love everything about you." The guy in armor said as his helmet suddenly turned itself to particles and revealed a guy wearing glasses and has an lollipop on his mouth.

"W-who are you?!" Komeng asked as the 4 look at him.

"Well we are MATA agents and you mister Komeng you are under arrest." The guy with the glasses as Komeng suddenly found himself sleepy and fell unconscious.

Actual location new MATA new academy.

"Guess that went well." Ali said as Alicia holstered her old blastique that she still use

"Mission accomplished." Rudy said as all 4 of us walk away.

Suddenly the entire harbor disappeared and revealed an training room.

"And that is how we do it here in MATA." Ali said as the new batch of recruits watched in awe.

The new recruits only said things like cool and awesome as the 4 pillars started to explain what is MATA and its mission to defend cyberaya.

Then Bakar, the new general as Rama retired from his position and is now the mentor of the neuro pillar, entered the room.

"Ok recruits go to your classes I have to talk to the pillars." Bakar said as the new recruits exits the room. Minus 4.

"Aww what's wrong Junior." Alicia said as she kneeled down to eye level to face her shy son.

"M-mom." Her son Ali jr. (I'm bad at naming OCs) said as he rubbed his shoulders. "Do we have to do high speed chases?"

"Well if you dont want to then I can simply stop this right now." Alicia said as junior began to panic.

"No please mom it's just do we really gonna get assigned to those missions." Junior said as Alicia shock her head.

"Son those missions are only meant to for the adults and you're a long way from that." Alicia said as Junior looked a bit disappointed. "You will still be assigned to missions dont worry just not as intense as this."

"Even though I have IRIS Legacy and Satria: Tekno." Her son said as his father approached him.

"Dont worry son you'll get there eventually." Ali said as he rubbed his son's shoulders. "You even remind me of myself when I was your age well 4 years older than you." (Note Both siblings are 6 years old.)

"Wait really dad." Junior said as Ali nodded. "Wow."

"Hey junior you coming." Aliya II (or Aliya for short), junior's twin sister and daughter of Ali and Alicia and named after Ali's mother, said as she walked back into the room when she noticed her brother isn't with her. "Come on we dont want to be late to our classes you know what great uncle Rajesh and Grandpa Rama punishment when to those who's late."

(At this time the mamak maju gang is now the new mentors while Bakar is the new general.)

"Ok I'm coming bye mom, dad, great uncle bakar, auntie Iman, and uncle hedgehog." Junior said as he ran towards his sister only to trip.

"Come on." Aliya said as she grabbed his brother's wrists and ran back to the hallways to their classrooms.

Back with the pillars and Bakar.

"Ish why most everyone kept calling me an hedgehog." Rudy said as Iman kissed him.

"Well I think it's cute." Iman said as Rudy pulled her and kiss her.

Bakar can only roll his eyes because he's still single.

"So uncle what is it." Ali said as Rudy and Iman stopped kissing and look at Bakar.

"Well MATA's foundation day is coming and I think we better prepare for it." Bakar said as the pillars nodded. "Any ideas on what we will do during that special day."

The pillars think for a moment until Ali got an Idea.

"How about we show the new generation of agents what happened during the past and slowly get to what we are now we can also get Ganz and Dayang to show them what they can do." Ali said as the other nodded.

"Its an good idea actually." Rudy said as the Alicia nodded.

"All in favor raise your hands." Alicia said as everyone in the room raised their hands. "Its official then."

Then Ali suddenly smirked which everyone noticed.

"What's with the smirk Ali?" Rudy asked as Ali looked at him.

"Well after I said my idea i remember what happened this past few years." Ali said as the other also remembered what happened during the past few years.

"Ok I got why you're smirking now." Rudy said as he looked at his wedding ring which the other noticed.

"Ok let's have a few trips down memory lane ok." Ali said as the others nodded.

Then their nostalgia trip down memory lane begins

Well like I said above this story is nearing its end and I'm very happy that I got this far. Now I thank you all again for supporting this story.

Now I will see you in the next chapter.

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