chapter 9

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The quote of today
I dont own ejen ali


"Um do you saw Ali?" Alicia asked shyly

"Oh he just ran pass by Alicia." Moon said with her normal hyper self

"Oh ok thanks Um..." Alicia said as the Moon's eyes widened

"Wait you don't remember me." Moon said as Alicia nodded.

"Ok tell us what happened." Iman said as Alicia rubbed her shoulder

"O-ok but in the med bay." Alicia said as she walked her way back towards the med bay with the other young agents behind her.

One long explanation later

"And that's what happened." Alicia said as the other young female mouths was left open while the boys just looked at her confused

"So basically Ali asked you out and your father agreed to it." Rudy said as Alicia nodded

"Oh my GOD! Alicia you must let us help you prepare." Moon said as the other girls squealed

"E-eh well." Alicia said as the other girls looked at her with sparkling eyes. "Fine it is my first date

After that the other girls squealed and pushed the boys out of the room and put a do not disturb sign.

"So what now." Chris said as the others just looked at him and afterwards they all pressed their ears on the door.

Unfortunately they cant hear anything from the other side but they heard the familiar sounds of buster droids walking behind them.

"Um what are you guys doing?" Ali said startling them.

"Well for starters you didn't told us about your date." Jet said surprising Ali.

"Before you ask Alicia told us what happened." Rudy said as he leaned on a wall beside the door. "Btw where's the other 2 buster droids.

After Rudy said that the others also noticed the 2 missing buster droids.

"What happened to them Ali?" Khai asked as Ali smirked

"Let just say that they're teaching someone a lesson


"So this is the result if we teased mister super agent." Rizwan said as both he and Karya are stapled on a wall beside the female bathroom door because of the buster droids.

"At least it's worth it." Karya said as Rizwan chuckled

Then Ejen Leon walked by them.

"I see that you two are learning your lesson to not teased someone who has control of buster droids." Leon said as Karya rolled his eyes.

Then suddenly a sound of a camera taking a picture was heard. When Rizwan and Karya looked down they say Leon taking a picture of them.

"At least this made my day." Leon said as he shared it to the other two.

"Nevermind what I just said Rizwan." Karya said as they both groaned in annoyance as Leon spread the picture to all MATA personnel.

Back at the hallway

"Hey look Ejen Leon sent me a photo." Jet said as he laught out loud the moment the pictures load.

"Oh god Ali so this is what those 2 droids did." Jet said as he showed them the picture.

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