chapter 19

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I dont own ejen Ali

Again please point out the errors and give me your feedback.

Locker room.

The soon to be pillar leaders have 15 minutes to prepare themselves for their training and they used this time to make final checks on their gadgets and know their enemy better.

"So Ali?" Rudy said as he approached Ali who's talking with Alicia. "What exactly is Rizwan's fighting style?"

"Ejen Rizwan well he can cripple you if you let him hit your vital points and can hit you over and over again using his paralyzer gloves ending it with an double hit." Ali said as he recalled the amount of times Rizwan just cripple his opponents. "Also he can throw his lollipop at your neck or other vital points to stun you."

"I see so I should stay away from him." Rudy said as Ali nodded.

"But be careful though Rizwan can dash towards you and kick you or hit you with his paralyzer gloves and keep your eye on him if you engaged Karya because Rizwan favorite targets are the one who's distracted." Ali said as Rudy rubbed his chin

"So stay away look behind me got it." After that he walked away and prepare himself for a very hard fight.

"I think this is just for determining how hard our training is right." Iman said as Alicia nodded.

"Yep." Alicia replied. "The longer you last the less hell you'll experience during your actual pillar chief training."

Several minutes later

"Rudy it is time." Ejen Dayang said as Rudy prepare himself for the hardest fight he'll ever experience.

"Goodluck." The others said as Rudy entered the training room.

"Rudy for this training you will be hunted by Karya and Rizwan in this maze and your objective is to get to the Intel and return it back to the starting line." Dayang said as the room turned into an maze. "Also there will be droids patrolling the area that will alert Rizwan and Karya so be careful."

"Great." Rudy said as he carefully walked down the hallways looking at the corners.

He found that 2 droids are patrolling and is heading towards him so he throws his shackles at one of the droids and controlling it (note I'm using Rudy's skill in the Ejen Ali: emergency mobile game.)

When the droid killed its comrade Rudy use his own aero boots to dashed through the droids before the shackles detonated. Luckily he has special nanobots that instantly make another pair of shackles thanks to Dayang's upgrade.

"Thank you Ejen Dayang." He said as he went on ahead.

He reached the Intel room still not encountering Karya or Rizwan. He saw that the room is protected by sentries and droids.

"Ish this is a big disadvantage for me." He said as the room is only moderately large but not enough to make evasive maneuvers especially against 2 agile Inviso senior agents.

He managed to control an droid and it cleared most of the sentries and other droids but it got shut downed by the last droid and it noticed him.

"Dang it." He said as he was forced to use his aero boots to dash towards the droid engaging it in close combat. And later controlling it with his shackles. "Better hurry then."

Rudy managed to get to the intel but when he turned around he found the droid he controlled destroyed and is lying on the ground.

"Well played Rudy but I think I wont let you go off the hook this easily." Karya said as he pull out his sword and cards.

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