chapter 6

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You know what I'm about to say
But this time I dont own the scene I'm just referencing an very well known video


Inside the HQ

It took leon and geetha 30 minutes to separate Ali and Alicia. After separating the two Ali head to the briefing room for General Rama's debriefing while alicia head to the med bay. But not without bringing all 4 buster droids.

In the briefing room General Rama is rubbing his bridge while Ali sits uncomfortably.

"Ali is it true." General Rama said in a surprisingly calm voice

"Yes it's true general." Ali said as he rubbed his right arm.

"Ali I'm ordering you to stick by Alicia's until her memories are successfully decrypted." General Rama said as Ali nodded and prepared to exit the room.

"Wait Ali." General Rama continued as Ali stopped and turned around. "If something bad happened to my daughter you will be held responsible."

After that Rama cut the communication and Ali gulped.

"Welp better get to Alicia before something bad happened." He said as he exits the room and found the droids waiting outside.

"You guys can return to the ships." He said as the droids obey

He made his way to the med bay where he found that 2 of the buster droids is guarding the outside. The moment they saw him the droids immediately opened the door for him.

When he entered he found Alicia covering in the corner while Ejen Geetha and Ejen Leon is stuck in the wall while the other 2 buster droids is menacingly looking at them. 

"Droids stand down." Ali said as everyone in the room looked at him. The droids obeyed and released the 2 mentors and Alicia immediately hugged Ali.

"Where have you been." Alicia said as Ali returned the hug.

"Talking to your father." Ali replied as Alicia looked at him with a confused face. "You father is General Rama and he entrust me to take care of you until you return to normal."

"Ok" Alicia said as she looked away.

"What's the matter Alicia?" He said as Alicia looked at him again.

"I-I dont know what will happen if I return to normal Ali." She said as she tightened her hug

"Dont worry I'll always be with you even if everything returned to normal." He said as Geetha straighten herself and to inspect alicia again this time the buster droids was ordered to stand down and only move unless he said it or when someone who's danger level is 5 and above.

Both him and the 2 buster droids exit the room to make space for ejen Geetha. But not before promising that he will be back later to find her. He later say the same order to the other 2 buster droids who's guarding the door from the outside.

And that's when the other young agents appeared to check on their friend. Immediately the droids blocked them and scan them 1 by 1.

"Ejen Kai threat level 1, gadget hover board/drone R-O threat level 1." The droid said as they let an very confuse kai through.

"Ejen Moon threat level 2, gadget hologram projector and explosive gloves threat level 3." The droids said as they let a cheerful moon who take the droids evaluation on her as a compliment

"Ejen Iman treat level 5, gadget scarf threat level 8." They said as they went on the defensive and raised their fist on Iman. "Surrender your gadget or we will fire."

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