So Capable

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     "You've really improved!" I remark to Shō as we go through verbal exercises.
     He smiles. His facial expressions come at ease now. He goes through the vocal exercises one by one: popping his lips, yawning, and even whistling now. Then he makes vocal vowel sounds, which sounds tougher for him, but still very improved.
"Omura-san will be so impressed!" I express to him excitedly, and his face brightens at once.
We keep working until she arrives.
"Hello, boys! How are you today?"
"Fine, thank you."
She smiles in response, taking her seat. "I'm glad! Hinata-kun, would you mind going through your exercises for me?"
He does so, and she compliments him on his hard work. "You did that all so well! Do you hear how much you've improved since we started? I'm so proud of you!" She smile again. "Guess what? Today, I'm going to have you sing."
Shō's eyes widen.
She laughs. "Don't worry! I think you'll be surprised. We'll see how this works, and then I'll explain to you how it works. Is there a song you know well?"
Shō types in his computer for the answer. "Can we do Jingle Bells?"
Omura-san giggles. "It's not Christmastime yet, is it? We're only just about to begin October."
     "Oh. So, different song?"
     "No," she says with an amused smile. "Jingle Bells is fine."
     He takes a deep breath and starts to sing. It's weak, but the words are there. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way-" He stops, absolutely stunned.
     I stand from my seat, equally astonished. "What the heck?!" I turn to Omura-san. "What the heck was that?! H-How?!"
     She laughs happily. "Hinata-kun's aphasia affected the speech part of his brain, but singing is controlled by a completely different part of the brain, one that was not harmed. So while Hinata-kun has a lot of trouble with speech and relearning it, his ability to sing is unaffected."
     "That's- That's incredible!"
"Ag-Again," he says, and points to both of us.
     Omura-san laughs. "You want us to sing with you? I'd love to, but I'll warn you, I'm not too good!"
     He looks at me, narrowing his eyes, daring me to sing.
     "Fine, fine, I'll sing, too."
     We all sing the song (out of key, but we sing it nonetheless), and by the time we finish, I swear I haven't seen Shō happier since he woke up.
     And all of a sudden, he's crying.
     "Hey, hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask urgently.
     His lip wobbles and he nods, taking back the computer to talk. "I've never felt so capable since I woke up. I know I could probably do this the whole time, but actually doing it? It's- I  feel- I don't know how to explain it. I'm so happy!"
The emptiness that's been swimming around aimlessly inside of me dissipates a bit at the smile he now wears.
"I'm so glad," Omura-san says, smiling. "That's something else you can do along with your other exercises. This singing will also improve your articulation and sentence production in your common speech. Of course, not all at once. You'll have to work at it, but you've been doing wonderfully so far. I have no doubts that you'll continue to improve steadily, especially considering all the hard work you're putting in. I'm so proud of you." A more excited smile creeps onto her face. "I was speaking with your physical therapist earlier today, Hinata-kun. Ueda Jun? He has some exciting news for you when he comes in later today."
     "What is it?" Shō asks.
     "It's a surprise for him to share," she answers with a knowing smile.
     Shō keeps working with Omura-san on speech exercises for the rest of the hour. When Jun knocks and comes in, she takes her leave."
     "What is it?" I ask for the both of us. "Omura-san said you had a surprise. She wouldn't tell us!"
     A smile grows on Jun's face. He puts a hand on Shō's shoulder. "You're going to stand today."
     Shō freezes, gaping. "R-R-Rea-lly?"
     Jun nods.
     Before actually doing so, Jun helps Shō prepare some of his leg muscles, such as gently kicking, or a mimic of pedaling. They're weak movements, but still such an incredible improvement from when he first woke up, barely able to move at all.
     When they're done with that, Jun helps Shō sit on the edge of the bed. He's able to sit up on his own without trouble now.
     "Tobio, will you help me lift him to stand?" Jun asks. "Take him around the waist from your side, and I'll do the same on mine."
     I do as he says, and though I shouldn't be, I am shocked at Sho's thin, bony frame as I lift him. He's so light, even supporting none of his own weight. He sets his feet on the ground, preparing to support himself, but we don't let go yet. He's shaking. I don't know if it's from nervousness, fatigue, or both.
     "Are you okay?" I ask him softly. He nods.
"Shōyō," Jun explains, "Tobio and I are going to let go of you now. We will catch you if you fall, so don't be afraid. Are you ready?"
He nods again, a little more uncertainly this time.
We both let go slowly, making sure he's steady.
"Oh!" he yelps, his knees buckling. I don't even have to think about catching him. My body moves on its own, making sure he doesn't hit the floor. His eyes are wide with shock and being startled.
"You alright, Shō?"
"Mm-hm." He trembles still, and we sit him back on the bed.
"The first try is usually unsuccessful," Jun admits to him, "and a bit jarring. You haven't had to support yourself for about half a year. Your body isn't used to it anymore. But I promise, you have the capacity to do this. We'll help you if you want to try a few more times today, or if you want to wait until next time. Whatever you're most comfortable with.
"A-gain," Shō says, his eyes fearful, but determined.
We repeat the process, this time, letting Shōuse a little of his own strength to get up. When we let go of him, it takes a few seconds longer for him to fall.
We do this a few more times, and each gives way to a little more improvement. After the fourth attempt, we stop for the day. Shō looks exhausted, physically and emotionally.
Once he's laid back down, Jun praises him. "That was wonderful work, Shōyō! Don't worry, when we get started on walking, you'll be able to use the support bars for that in the physical therapy ward, so you won't have to be that afraid of falling. You showed great improvement today. I think we'll be able to try walking next week."
Shō's eyes bug.
Jun laughs. "Yes! And that also means leaving the room. That's exciting, right? Have you even been outside, used a wheelchair yet?"
Shō shakes his head, excited.
Jun looks at me. "That would be a great thing to do for him tomorrow."
"I will."
Shō looks so hopeful, even though he droops with tiredness. There's been a spark lit inside of him. Maybe if I reach out, I'll be able to catch some of the flame.
We're not defeated. Not yet. We're only getting started.

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