Proud of You

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He doesn't leave my side that day, no matter how much I urge him to go back to his own room.
"I'm afraid if I leave for a moment, you'll disappear again."
"It was so sudden, Tobi. I know you're going to be okay now, but... I won't risk anything again. I took you for granted. I thought you would always be here, but I see how easily now people can vanish in an instant."
"I won't vanish. Not again."
     He takes a deep breath. "I'm going to be walking in three days, if you feel up to coming. If not, we can put it off again."
     I don't want him to put something like that off for my sake, especially if I feel up to doing that. "I'm exhausted and in some pain now, but that should lessen as we go on. Don't put that off. I'll be there."
There's a knock at my door and a nurse walks in. "Kageyama-kun? There are some friends here to see you."
All ten of my teammates are here, and so are Suga and Yachi. Their faces break into relief.
"Not all at once!" the nurse exclaims, but they rush in anyway.
"You're okay!"
"You scared us!"
"I'm so relieved!"
"Thank goodness!"
They crowd around me, all talking at once.
"Stop crowding him!" the nurse exclaims, but quickly realizes she has no choice but to give up.
"Does it still hurt?" Yamaguchi asks worriedly, his hands shaking as they hover every which way, as if he's not quite sure what to do with them.
"A little. But it's nothing compared to yesterday."
"Why didn't you get help?" Suga asks me, distress prominent in his eyes. "This was preventable, wasn't it? I swear, Tobio-kun..."
"I'm sorry, everyone."
Tanaka shakes his head. "You were beyond dumb, but you're alive. That's what matters now."
     They continue to chat until they really are forced to leave, and I sleep most of the next three days away. I'm able to sit up with minimal pain by the second, and I'm allowed to attend Shō's first walking session in a wheelchair on the third.
A nurse takes me to the therapy room, and Shō arrives about the same time in his own chair. Jun waves to us with a smile, and the nurses leave. "You ready for today, Shōyō?"
Shō nods eagerly.
"Fantastic." He looks toward me. "And how have you been, Tobio? I heard what happened. I was so sorry to hear that, but it's a relief to all of us that you pulled through."
"I'll be okay. Thanks."
Jun wheels Shō over to the bars and helps him out of the chair. Shō's gotten much better at standing. He's steady and can hold his weight for a short time when he's still.
He grips the parallel bars, staring down at the lines on the floor that run the length of them. He's trembling, but determination shines in his eyes. He moves one leg forward, but jerks to a stop, bringing it back to the floor. He looks at Jun, terrified. "D-Don't r-r-re-remem-ber how."
Jun nods, calm. "Don't worry. That's normal for a lot of people learning to walk again. Let me demonstrate." He highly exaggerates the steps for walking. "Heel, then toe. Heel, then toe. You can do that."
Shō mutters something like "heel, toe", takes a deep breath, and steps forward again. As soon as he puts his weight on one leg, though, he collapsed, his fall made easier by the grip he still has on the bars.
"You okay?" Jun asks, helping him up.
Shō nods, still shaking, but undeterred.
"Try again. You've got this."
He goes more slowly this time. His heel hits the line, and his toe follows. He brings the other leg forward to do the same, and he doesn't fall. His one leg shakes as it holds his weight, but he stays steady as he takes the next step.
"Yes!" I pump my fist. "That's it! Keep going!"
He falls partway into his third step. His grip hasn't loosened from the rail.
"You alright?" Jun asks, crouching next to him. Shō nods. Jun laughs. "Great work! You can let go now."
Shō's hands fall to his side. He lets out a long breath.
"How did that feel?"
"S-S-Scary, but g-g-g-g-good."
"I want you to know you were amazing. Three steps may not seem like a lot, but you haven't walked in six months. Would you like to try one more time?"
Shō nods.
"Think you can get up on your own? You've been doing alright with arm strength recently. You may find it easier if you pull more with your arms then you are pushing with your legs."
Shō struggles to for about a minute, then shakes his head.
"That's fine. Honestly, I didn't expect your body to be able to do that yet. I'm proud that you tried."
Jun lifts him up again, and he gets a couple more steps in before falling again.
"We'll try again in a couple days. Give you one to rest. You might be a little sore tomorrow. Despite our exercises, you've still used some muscles you haven't in half a year."
Shō looks to me, probably looking for the same assurance.
"Yeah we'll be here." I direct my next response right to Shō. "You really were great. I'm... proud of you."
His eyes light up. While I used to be incredibly stingy with my praises to him, they still aren't my every sentence nowadays.
Jun studies me. "Are you alright yourself?"
"Uh, yeah, just..." I put a hand over my abdomen, which has begun to throb more. "Yeah, I'm good. But it would be best to end it here for today. I'm gonna need something for the pain soon."
Jun nods, getting Shō back into his chair. "Okay. I can push Shō back to his room, but should I call someone for you?"
I shake my head. "That's alright. I can get myself there.
"Great. We'll just accompany you to make sure you arrive safely."
Shō motions that he wants to follow me in for a minute once we get to my room. Jun leaves us be, and Shō pulls out his computer from the side pocket of his chair. He begins typing, looking guilty.
"I'm sorry I asked you to come when you were in pain. I didn't know."
"Shō, are you serious? Don't be sorry, I said I'd come. And it's not really that painful. And it's not because I was exerting myself. The operated area still hurts sometimes because that's a process of healing. Don't worry about it. It's not your fault."
He relaxes at that. "Okay. Just making sure. Text me if anything... Just text me."
"Yeah, I will."
He smiles. "Good. Now get your meds and get some rest."
"Sure." As I watch him leave, everything feels a bit lighter. I really do think the storms have passed, and while I now know nothing is sure, I'm as hopeful as I can be.
We're healing.

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