Claudia Bazzi

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Claudia Bazzi – Lebanese-Venezuelan ancestry; Claudia Bazzi is a beautiful girl of partial Cuban descent who dates Jorge Ortega during his college years once his father receives a temporary job transfer back to his native Florida. He maintains a steady relationship with him throughout the years until they amicably break up just a few short months before he transferred back to Northeastern University. She is of Hispanic heritage, although she physically appears to be racially ambiguous. She is described as lively, gregarious, and unreserved, leading to Julia's occasionally feeling insecure when seeing images of her on Jorge's social media once they had broken up. Claudia is perceived as attractive with her long light golden-brown hair with blonde lowlights, sparkling brown eyes, slender build, and lightly tanned, olive complexion, along with a small beauty mark beneath her left eye. Julia could act jealously and feel uncharacteristically possessive of Jorge when she felt slight envy over his and Claudia's growing closeness. She is described by Julia as having a "beachy sort of vibe" in her appearance with her tanned skin and long, sun-kissed locks. She loves prints and neutral colors, as well as earth tones and mixing fabrics and textures that she finds while thrifting. Claudia is exceptionally hardworking and headstrong and shows a willingness to put her life on the line for what she believes in. She shows courage and poise against impossible odds and has proven to be very capable of taking care of herself. Her demeanor opposes Julia's in many ways, with Claudia being relatively charismatic and socially graceful and having a regal energy about her. Strong, sensitive, and a bit secretive, she is a very talented writer who really blossoms when she is speaking on stage and enjoys reading chick-lits with happy endings. 

Claudia is incredibly candid and free-spoken, as well as bold, vivacious, and self-assured. Ambitious and described as a "go-getter" type of girl, she was an overachiever in Josue's former high school and was enrolled in several advanced courses as a teen, with a passion for writing and photography and desire to study broadcast journalism when in college. She is a very playful, dramatic, and smart individual who looks at life through a different lens, always snapping pictures of and filming her friends. She is healthy, athletic and full of energy, which leads her to participate in a wide variety of sports, such as surfing, flag football, rock climbing, and curling. Claudia is a sassy girl who has no fear of confrontation or situations and is very organized, as she knows who she is, what she wants, and how to get it. A true trendsetter, she is always chasing after the next big adventure and making a statement by just being who she is. As a journalist, she always strives to reach the truth behind the story, even if that means resorting to dishonest means to get it. Like Julia, she has a passion for traveling to foreign lands and dreams of bringing light to immigration policies and related social issues with her work, in addition to exploring and bringing focus to different cultures and their practices. Claudia is eloquent and succinct in her words yet is described as having been "the type of person who always had something new to talk about or interesting to say". Others often view her as inspirational, with a a tendency to take command and refer to her as "a true people person". Feminine, glamorous, and gracious, she is not pretentious, but is instead relatively open-minded, often exploring alternative trends in fashion, fitness, and beauty to share with others in her writings for her school's newspaper as well. 

She also likes doing Pilates and eats a plant-based diet She deeply appreciates Josue's dedication to his family upon meeting him and finds his closeness to his sick mother and desires to aid her with her struggles with multiple sclerosis to be admirable. Josue in turn is immediately captivated by Claudia's looks and charisma, as well as her warmth and hospitality towards him throughout his stay at university, causing him to gradually develop an attraction to her. After the communication patterns between Jorge and Julia become increasingly distant and laconic as they become preoccupied with their lives, their texts lessen in frequency. He develops a relationship with Claudia after confiding in and developing a strong emotional connection with her through a series of meaningful conversations. He unexpectedly becomes intimate with her one night during their college spring break trip to Cancun, breaking Julia's heart and causing them to momentarily part ways. Regardless, Claudia is also incredibly perceptive and a good judge of character. While she and Jorge date for some time during their college years. She has noted that Josue is deeply in love with Julia and that his heart has always been with her to an extent, sensing that his connection with her is special. Although he is charmed by her sociability and confidence, Josue can't quite forget his feelings for Julia, and despite the length of their relationship, his and their personalities and life visions gradually begin to clash, causing them to eventually part ways. They break up on amicable terms, yet Jorge only has eyes for and sees something unique and particular in Julia, in whom he has found a rare beauty. Jorge claims to have found someone who somehow always be able to bring him back to a secure, comfortable place that "feels like home." 

She choses to remain single for a couple of years as she experiences the thrills of young adulthood alongside her best friend and roommate, a wealthy raven-haired girl named Camilla Betancur. She is often described as "tall" by her peers, and she has noticeably wide hips and says that her favorite land animal is a cheetah. She started using a special hair gel before it ended up getting recalled for attracting bears, and she also has a variety of hats, her most prominent being a sun hat. As an adult, Claudia is always on the hunt for a new adventure, whether that be traveling to a new land or trying out something new right at home. She always keeps in touch with all of the friends she has made while traveling, and they help her keep up with the latest exotic trends. She later meets and develops a long-term romance with a college classmate of Cuban-American ancestry named William Cordova, who was a public administration major. The couple eventually marries and gives birth to a daughter named Sienna a few years after Claudia has graduated. Claudia states that she was put in charge of the January Jamboree and created a BFF Snack Match app that becomes popular, and she gets lobster as a result. When her father hijacked her Quinceañera, her brother helped her stand up to her controlling parent for taking over the festivities. She apparently has millinophilia, an extreme love of wearing hats, and bears a strong resemblance to her great-great grandfather P.H. Phlorange, but she strongly denies it. She is shown to have a habit of heel stomping throughout the house, meanwhile her parents are living in Reno, Nevada by the time she is in her early forties. INFJ 3w4

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