Excessive anxiety

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Connor was finishing the operation when he heard the alarm signal going off all over the hospital. Pulling off his gloves as he went, he went out into the corridor, looking around. 

"There's a shooting in the emergency room!" the nurse on duty at the cardiac surgery station shouted.

The air was heavy at one point when Connor remembered that Ava had been working in the emergency room that day. He wanted her to go out for coffee at that moment, anywhere, just to avoid being caught in the middle of danger.

Connor ran to the elevator and pressed the button several times. As he waited for the elevator to pull up, he kept calling ava, reassuring himself that Bekker had just left the phone in a locker, which was completely improbable. Ava was always in touch, at least with him.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Connor jumped in, not noticing that his breathing was ragged.

"Dr. Rhodes, it's dangerous out there" was the last thing Connor heard as he went downstairs. He didn't care about his own safety, all he could think about was Ava.

The first thing he saw when he left the Elevator was a crowd of people in real panic. Relatives of the patients mingled with the medical staff. There was an indescribable noise in the hall. Maggie tried to restore order by calming the audience. It was to her that Connor ran, still searching for the familiar figure.

"Maggie, where's Ava?" Connor quickly asked, clenching his fists in frustration.

"The last time I saw her was in the second exam room, but then the shooting started" she shook her head, still trying to calm the terrified people. "Will's brother has already taken the shooter, several people were injured, that's all I know".

It was impossible to get to the first observation rooms - there were police officers everywhere, who had managed to pull the restraining tape. Ava's noticeable hair gave her away when she appeared only briefly in the same room Maggie had last seen her in. Ignoring the closed passageway, Connor lunged forward, almost knocking Jay off his feet.

"Ava!" Connor called out loudly as he reached the entrance to the exam room, seeing Bekker standing slightly hunched over with her back to him.

"You can't come in here" the police officer protested, but stepped back when Jay allowed Connor to be there.

Turning to Connor, Ava smiled wearily, wiping fresh blood from her cheek.

"Ava" Connor said in one breath, unable to bear the amount of blood that covered the woman's entire body. "Are you hurt?"

Grabbing her by the shoulders, Connor examined her very quickly, reaching down to pull off her dirty robe and tossing it away. He was so scared that he didn't notice the third time he felt Ava for any damage, which fortunately wasn't there. 

"Connor, is this the first time you've seen blood?" Ava chuckled in her usual way, patting him lightly on the shoulder, though her voice was shaky and strained.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Connor shouted, taking the offensive. It had been a long time since he'd been so worried about this restless woman that he'd asked an idiotic question that he knew the obvious answer to. 

"I think I've been treating patients here" Ava said calmly, still looking down at herself, visibly wincing at how dirty she was.

"God, Avey" Connor breathed, still standing close to her, absorbing her with a worried look, even though everything was fine. And then hugging her to him, not even worrying about what will also be in someone else's blood, only hugging the native person more.

"Connor, I'm fine, except for my dirty uniform" Ava joked softly, trying to soothe Rhodes by gently running her hand down his back. "I don't even have a scratch on me".

"Don't scare me like that again, okay?" Connor breathed hoarsely, pulling away from ava because of the overly metallic smell. Seeing his reaction, Ava laughed.

"You know, I could use a change of dirty clothes" Bekker added thoughtfully, biting her lower lip and looking at Connor. "Can you help me with this?"

A low whistle from Will's brother, who was still standing near the exam room, reminded them that they were not alone. Connor rolled his eyes, took Ave's hand, and led her into the resident's office, not forgetting to give Jay a brief, narrowed look that immediately gave him a careless wink. 

"You're too shameless even at times like this" Connor grumbled when they finally found themselves in an empty room.

"Really?" putting on an innocent expression, Ava calmly stripped off her soiled clothes, also standing at ease in her underwear near the locker, searching for something clean.

"Damn" Connor groaned, automatically closing the door to avoid intruders. The only thing that made him lose his head was the sharp contrast in Ava's behavior when she was brusque and spoiled, and then naive and immaculate.

Clenching the bridge of his nose to ward off the obsession, Connor didn't notice when Ava reached into his locker and fished out a black casual t-shirt. Practically diving into it, she spread the long fabric comfortably, intending to finish off the simple look with tight blue jeans. Just the sight of Bekker in his clothes definitely pushed Connor toward her, roughly setting down on the table, knocking off a few old magazines. As he plunged into her yielding mouth, Connor didn't think about the moral aspect of where they were going to make love, only delving deeper into the priceless Ava Bekker. The excitement, the tension that had come over Connor today, needed to be released.

Holding Ava firmly by the hips, Connor covered her neck with kisses, not for a moment willing to speculate on what might have happened to Her if something had gone wrong. He couldn't lose her. Never.

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