Can you feel it?

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twentieth week

"Dr. Rhodes, are you ready?" Dr. Adkins asked good-naturedly as she stepped out into the corridor. 

Ava shook her head in confusion, never getting through to her husband, whom she had arranged to meet at 10 a.m. sharp. They didn't even discuss the possibility of not going to the main twenty-week ultrasound screening together. And now Ava was upset that Connor hadn't shown up. He also has not responded to her countless phone calls.

"I can't, not without Connor" Ava said weakly, feeling tears in her eyes. She wanted to contain her emotions, but it was so difficult that in the end, pressing her hand to her mouth, she just ran away. When the Elevator doors closed, Ava began to cry even harder, smearing mascara on her face and pursing her lips. She definitely didn't think she would be so emotional, but the baby was affecting her emotional state, making her too fragile and vulnerable.

Relieved that she didn't meet anyone she knew on the way, Ava quickly left the hospital. Today she had an unscheduled day off because of the child's examination, but she so impulsively dropped everything that for a second she regretted what she had done and wanted to return. But something kept her from doing it anyway.

When she got home in a taxi, Ava turned off the phone without even looking at it, dropping it on the nightstand. Now she wanted to drink mint tea and wrap herself in a warm blanket. She definitely lacked the necessary heat. The Chicago winter was freezing her too much, taking her out of the norm.

"Connor" Ava gasped suddenly, dropping the mug and pressing her hands to her belly. She stared down at it forlornly, feeling an indescribable sensation. For the first time, she felt the baby inside her. This slight but insistent movement was so sharply reflected in the whole body that Ava shivered. She gently stroked her belly, still not believing what she was feeling.

Ava stood still for a few minutes, ignoring the spilled tea under her feet, just enjoying the moment. It was extraordinary.

"Baby, we love you so much" Ava whispered, holding her hands lovingly on her belly, breathing deeply until the baby stopped pushing, actually hearing her mother.

Carefully stepping over the broken mug, Ava went into the living room, leaving the cleaning for later. She was overexcited by what had happened and needed a little time to recover. Only the smile didn't leave her face as she sat on the sofa, her knitted sweater slightly lifted up, thus getting rid of the barrier. Her sense of grievance of Connor faded into the background, and the most important thing was that Ava remembered him when she said his name. How she loved him.

Feeling the occasional slight jolt, Ava fell asleep. She was so happy.


"Okay, Avey waiting for me, I'm off" Connor warned Maggie, tossing his dirty gloves into the trash, glancing at his watch all the time. 

"Be sure to show us the pictures of the baby" Natalie reminded him, slapping him lightly on the shoulder as she left for the incoming patient.

If the elevator had gone a little faster, things might have been different. Only will couldn't wait.

"Connor, I need your help. Hell, there's a man with shattered ribs, too many shrapnel that grazed internal organs, and all the surgeons are busy" Halstead panicked, catching Connor right at the elevator.

"Dr. Latham?" Connor suggested, hoping that more will be able to get to Ava. 

"He's in surgery" he shook his head, Will eagerly trample on the spot.

"Will, I can not... Ava, she's been looking forward to this day," Rhodes breathed desperately, already knowing that he would have to go with Halstead. 

"I'm sorry, Connor" Will sighed, and they quickly ran to the critically ill patient. Rhodes didn't have a chance to warn Ava about the unscheduled surgery, where he spent several hours hoping that Avey would be all right.

Wearily leaving the operating room, Connor leaned back against the wall, meeting Halstead's guilty gaze, which was definitely not going to ruin the relationship between friends.

"Nat couldn't get through to Ava, and she's not in the hospital" Will said softly, but it was enough for Connor to dial one call after another and run to Dr. Adkins. He didn't even wait for the elevator, using the stairs.  

The thought that something might have been wrong with the child throbbed in Rhodes's mind. And the main thing was that he wasn't with Ava at that moment.

"Dr. Rhodes?" Adkins arched an eyebrow as Connor stormed into her office, forgetting to knock first. 

"What about Ava? How did her ultrasound screening?" Connor asked desperately, panting from running so fast. 

"She didn't pass it" the woman shrugged, ostentatiously going about her business. 

"Why?" Connor was taken aback, but he was relieved that Ava hadn't answered him because of the bad result.

"You are like little children. Your wife, Dr. Rhodes, didn't want to do the screening without You. If it goes on like this, I feel that she will refuse to give birth without You" Adkins grinned, adding that she had specially allocated free time for tomorrow morning so that Ava could still find out the condition of the baby. 

When Connor got home as soon as possible, he was finally relieved to see his beloved on the couch. Ava was sleeping peacefully, carelessly tangled in a blanket. Connor strode over to her and carefully adjusted the warm fabric, running a hand through her hair. 

"Connor" Ava said hoarsely, feeling his touch, opening her sleepy eyes.

"I'm sorry, angel... I was supposed to come, but Will, he had a patient in a catastrophic condition, and there were no available surgeons" Connor tried to explain hurriedly, but stopped when Ava grabbed his hand, holding it to her belly as the baby pushed inside again. 

"Avey" Connor whispered, his hand trembling on her belly, feeling their little treasure clearly. 

Looking up at Ava, Connor quickly moved closer to her, kissing her lovingly. Taking her face in his hands, he just stared into her eyes, smiling happily from the excess of emotion.   

"Honey, I love you so much" he breathed, covering her face with kisses, holding her tight. 

Connor sat there with his hand on Ava's belly, feeling an indescribable joy. He kissed her gently on the lips and reminded her gravely: "Adkins has signed you up for tomorrow morning, and we'll go together".

"Oh" Ava gasped, blushing visibly as she remembered how shamefully she'd run away from her doctor and burst into tears in front of her.

"Avey, can we find out if it's a boy or a girl?" he asked suddenly, stroking her hand lightly. They did not discuss this point, but only after looking into each other's eyes, they immediately decided on an answer. 

"Sure, tomorrow then?" pulling Connor toward her, Ava smiled broadly, already looking forward to it. 

"Exactly tomorrow" Connor nodded, hovering over her to say quickly: "Girl". 

"Boy" Ava blurted out almost at the same time, immediately laughing as she gave Connor a light push. 

"No, I want a little you, just as beautiful like you" Connor chuckled, immediately kissing Ava before she could protest. They were just waiting for tomorrow, enjoying the closeness.  

By the way, I can confidently say that there will be 42 chapters in this story. 

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