Bonus Chapter | Time of miracles

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 December, Christmas

Standing on tiptoe, Ava hung small colorful balloons on a fluffy fir tree. Taking out a bright red star, she handed it to Connor, who was standing on the stairs, helping him finish the grand decoration of the house. Everything shone and shimmered with a multitude of garlands. Christmas cheer was in the air. It was their second Christmas together since they were married and their first as parents.

"I think we're done" Ava smiled, twirling around, looking at the resulting beauty.

As he descended the stairs, Connor gently put his arm around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder: "Do you like it, my girl?"

"Of course, Connor" she laughed, turning quickly to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a lingering kiss, always making it look like they'd been apart for a long time. And then, reluctantly, she pulls away, picking up Avery, who had been sitting in her crib in the living room.

She received two loving kisses from her parents, Avery waved her arms, smiling broadly. She was a beautiful baby for her five months. Very rarely capricious, and most importantly - not exhausted crying, almost always looking happy. And now, Avery reached out for Connor to put his arm around his and her mom.  

"She's so sunny" Connor admired, carefully adjusting her light pink unicorn cap and running his thumb lightly over her cheek, making her laugh. 

"She's so happy when you pay attention to her" Ava smiled kindly, humbly handing her husband their daughter, admiring them from the side. And it was true that Avery was clutching Connor's t-shirt with her small hands, babbling incoherently, just not letting go of him. 

"Like and you" Connor said, cradling Avery in his arms.

"Have fun, I'll warm up dinner" waving her hand, only turning away, Ava smiled as she went to the kitchen.

Seeing Connor so happy was too good. He spent all his free time with his family, trying to be around as long as possible. The work didn't go away for the two of them, but Ava stopped exhausting herself, still noticing when to stop and not drown in overtime hours, because their baby was waiting for her.

"Honey, can we have dinner outside?" Connor asked as he got behind Ava, catching her in his arms again.

"Do you want to spend Christmas outside?" she snorted mockingly, looking into his eyes as she hung on to him.

"We'll be home before Christmas eve" Connor assured her earnestly, kissing her on the lips, knowing she wouldn't say no.

"Should I dress warmly?" Ava responded with interest as she went up to the bedroom with him in search of suitable clothing.

"Maybe my choice?" Connor tilted his head slightly and winked slyly.

"What are you up to?" laughing, Ava spread her hands in an inviting gesture.

"Just making sure you're warm" Connor shrugged, pulling out her oversized Christmas tree-colored knit sweater as he approached her.

"You forgot that nursing bra" Ava grinned, lifting her chin as she tossed her housecoat on the edge of the bed, still in her underwear, knowing that she would have to feed their baby.

He buttoned up Ava's bra and put on her sweater, Connor almost had time to change his mind about their walk on the street, kissing her endlessly, still not finishing changing.  

"Connor, give me the jeans already, or we'll miss Christmas!" Ava breathed into his mouth, breaking the tactile contact with her own strength, wanting to stay home too.

"I'm sorry-sorry," he chuckled, handing her the insulated jeans, already changing himself, doing it in a matter of seconds, choosing the first gray sweater and dark jeans.

Once downstairs, Ava quickly dressed Avery in a winter jumpsuit, so out of season because of the yellow color scheme. Handing the baby back to Connor, Ava went to the car.

"It must be very noisy in the city, everyone is waiting for a miracle" Ava smiled, sitting in the front seat, waiting for Connor to carefully fasten his daughter in the child seat, returning to the wheel.

"Of course... My first winter here was lonely, and I asked for a night shift, just not to be completely alone" Ava admitted wistfully.

"Wait, but you were forced to work that night" Connor remembered the day he was supposed to be on duty, but suddenly ava was put in His place. "Oh, Avey... I'm sorry you were alone".

"Oh, that's so cute" Ava winked, snapping out of her brief apathy, saying it the same way she had when they first met.

"Ava" Connor laughed as he parked in the long-term Parking lot near the amusement Park. 

 Connor spread out the stroller and carefully placed Avery in it, one arm around Ava's waist, skirting the crowd, walking around the edge of the Park where there should be nothing.

"Oh, Connor" Ava gasped, pressing her hands to her face, blinking rapidly in disbelief. The trees were garlanded, and in the middle of all the beauty there was a slow carousel and several open cafes that had never been there.

"You... Did you do all this?!" she stammered, asking the obvious questions.

"Mrs. Rhodes, have you forgotten who you married?" Connor reminded her with some pride, picking up his little girl as she lunged at him, hugging him tightly.

"That's beautiful... too wonderful" Ava muttered quickly, holding back the urge to cry with happiness as she turned back to all the beauty. 

"While Avery is awake, we could take a ride on the carousel-carriage" he offered softly, taking Ava's hand in his and receiving a sensual kiss in return.

Leaving the stroller to one side, they all climbed into the carousel-carriage, which moved slowly in a large circle. Smiling, Ava rested her head on Connor's shoulder, looking down at their baby in his arms.  

"I love you" Ava said in a barely audible voice, not breaking the dreamlike silence, feeling the light touch of her lips on her hair.

"And I love you, my angel"

They skated, losing track of time, because it was their personal corner. When Avery became cranky, Ava went into the makeshift tent to feed her. As she did so, Connor carefully covered her, keeping her warm. He was so careful. Always.

After feeding, Avery immediately fell asleep in Ava's arms. Without making too much noise, she transferred her to the stroller and turned to Connor, looking at him with boundless love.

"How about enjoying the starry sky with hot mulled wine?" catching her in his arms, Connor offered enticingly, catching a nod of agreement. The fact that it always reminded her of the night sky only made Ava happier. Connor remembered every detail of his beloved wife, knowing her by heart.

Once in his arms, away from the lights, Connor wrapped his little girl in a blanket, kissing the corner of her lips, hearing a soft laugh.

"I thought last Christmas was the best, but this is even better" Ava smiled, looking at the stroller next to her, holding Connor's hand tightly, sipping a warming drink, just enjoying this precious moment.

"If you only knew how much I love your smile" Connor admired with adoration, setting down the mugs, cupping her face in his hands, slowly touching her lips. Clinging to each other, they were lost, kissing selflessly, lifting their heads up in small breaks, looking at the distant but bright stars.

"You're my star, Avey, just as bright and beautiful" Connor whispered, looking into her eyes, seeing the whole world in them.

They were home at midnight. After changing Avery's clothes, Connor put her to bed in the nursery, returning to the bedroom where he planned to spend the rest of the night giving love to his angel, Ava Rhodes, the very woman he couldn't imagine his life without.

I decided to add a bit of a winter theme ~ just because Rhekker and winter are like the perfect duo. I warned that I would come back to this story sometimes.  

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