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thirty-sixth week

Ava had an unscheduled day off today because of the morning's terrible state of health. She just couldn't get out of bed because of sudden nausea and back pain. How much panic she had seen when Connor called Dr. Adkins at five in the morning, fearing that his wife's condition was not normal. If Ava hadn't passed the important tests yesterday, he wouldn't have believed it and wouldn't have been able to go to work in peace.

"Promise me you'll text me at least once an hour about how you're doing, okay?" Connor asked anxiously, giving her one last kiss before leaving, then gently stroking her belly, clearly feeling the push of their baby.

"Connor, it's going to be all right, don't worry" Ava assured, confirming her words with a sunny smile. In any case, she didn't miss anything important, just a few patients that Connor would look after, because her ability to operate was limited until the birth itself.

In Connor's absence, Ava tried not to strain, moving awkwardly around the house, supporting her large belly. She still did not believe that they would soon have a daughter. Smiling as she thought about it, she decided to sort out the remaining boxes of things for their baby.

The children's room was almost completely ready. It was in bright floral colors, just like the wildflowers Ava loved so much. The pale-soft four-poster bed added a touch of tenderness, because Connor always called their baby princess. It was he who insisted on this version of the bed, so carefully assembling it in parts. The other elements of the room were chosen by Ava. The whole place looked like a fairy tale: small shelves with lots of children's books, a soft box with the same soft toys for the little ones, a changing table-everything shone with yellow, light green, and pink colors. There was a wooden rocking chair near the crib that Ava had insisted on. It reminded her of her childhood. And she thought it would make it easier to rock their baby. Naturally, it was not without small stars that dotted the entire ceiling and appear in the dark, like barely noticeable lamps. Back then, Connor had enjoyed watching ava pick up decorations for their daughter's rooms.

Now Ava sat down on the small couch next to the changing table and picked up a small box. Placing it on her lap, she drew out several frames connected together like a whole constellation. Ava took the prepared photos and slipped them under the glass, of course, leaving free cells for their baby. Putting the frames on the changing table, she took from another drawer a small string of garlands, the lights of which were in knitted pink balloons. Standing on tiptoe, Ava fastened it with decorative wooden clothespins to the window curtain. When she reached out, the baby pushed painfully.

"Ouch" Ava squeezed her eyes shut, immediately pressing her hand to her belly, breathing deeply.

"Ava?" Connor walked quickly into the room, looking her up and down excitedly, clearly having a bad idea.

"You're back already" Ava said happily, finding herself in his arms, which she had missed so much. She's definitely going to work tomorrow so she can be close to Connor.

"I could hardly wait for the end of my shift" he admitted, kissing Ava's hair as he noticed the photos frame. "Honey, that's what you've been doing".

As Connor walked over to the changing table, he smiled at the memory of seeing a picture of them together the morning after his proposal. Ava then, just waking up, not believing, constantly repeated "Ava Rhodes", trying out how it would sound. It was such a happy moment in their lives. Another photo shows them kissing at a wedding.

"Dear, this is beautiful" Connor whispered, turning to Ava to kiss her, hugging her tightly, his hands on her belly. Their path led to the fact that soon they will become the parents of a beautiful girl, no doubt exactly the same as his favorite girl. True happiness. 

"What are you thinking?" sensing Connor, Ava asked softly, looking into his eyes.

"About how happy we are" Connor smiled, not letting go of her, just enjoying the warmth.

"And you doubted we could get along at all" Ava laughed, raising her eyebrows in a familiar, easy grin, reminding him of their acquaintance. Connor had gotten used to Ava Bekker's unique personality while she was too vulnerable because of her pregnancy.

"My main mistake, and I'm glad I fixed it" he chuckled, not giving Ava a chance to say anything as he covered her lips with his.

The baby pushed again, and Connor gently stroked her belly, smiling.

"We've been thinking about her name for a long time" Connor reminded him of the unresolved issue.

"And we're so undecided about it" Ava added, dropping her head wearily on his shoulder.

"Avery" Connor said, kissing ava's temple before she pulled away from him in surprise. 

"Connor" she stammered.

"You said you'd let me make up my mind" Connor arched an eyebrow as he sat down in the rocking chair, pulling Ava down on top of him. When she was on his lap, they rocked for almost a minute without breaking eye contact.

"Only you had to choose between Olivia and Mia" Ava began, biting her lip.

"This baby has not yet been born, but already shows her character, many times scaring what false contractions cost. And the way she always pushes when I say something you don't like?" Connor urged, placing his hands on Ava's cheeks and giving her a soft smile.

"Connor, but we'll have the same sweet names - Avey" she said uncertainly, biting her lower lip. 

"And the main thing is that only I called you that, no one else" Connor chuckled kindly.

"Connor, this is crazy" he could tell from Ava's voice that She had already given up.

"Thank you" Connor whispered, noses touching, seeing the frozen tears in his angel's eyes. "You are the best thing in my life, and always will be".

Ava couldn't help but cry into Connor's chest.

"My girl, hush, hush" Connor gently ran his hand down her back as she shuddered with sobs, clinging to him, feeling all his love.

"Avery Rhodes, that sounds really good" Ava smiled through her tears as Connor wiped the wet tracks from her cheeks, kissing them and then her lips, finally calming her down.

"Connor, can you rock me?" Ava asked timidly, craning her neck into her shoulders, looking even more fragile.

Hugging her, he rocked slowly in the chair until Ava fell asleep in his arms, not even paying attention to the noticeable movement of the baby in her belly, which Connor felt, with boundless love looking at his priceless treasure.

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