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Life has no free handouts
A lot of times we expect to be saved by other people when we are going through difficult times, and it's okay to think that way but what is not okay is living with that mindset and not allowing ourselves to try and be the hero's of our hardships. If we don't try to make it through this journey of life on our own we may never know what it truly means to be alive.

Life's Monologue

If you are expecting an apology
From me this time around as well
Then I am glad to say
You won't get one

I am no charity case, no Santa Claus, no angel, I am not your mother, am not your father, not your sister, not your brother, not your cousin, not your uncle or your aunt, I have absolutely no obligations whatsoever towards you so why should I apologise.
Who are you that I should apologise to, what makes you so special?

Many have been cut off before they felt like they had lived.
And others I spared the horrifics of being alive to begin with,

And yet here you are
Whining and crying about how unfair your life is.

There are so many people out there who strive to be in relationship with me and you want to end yours

It doesn't matter how many times you dump me
Someone out there is always going to want to be with me

I am the essence of joy to many
And a horrific tragedy to many as well
I am the very first thing you meet in the morning when you wake up and the last when you fall asleep

I touch you in way that not even your mother could when you were an infant

I stayed with you and nurtured you
I gave you reasons to be alive

Even time does not compare to me
I am infinite in a fleeting universe
I bring so much to the table and all I ask in return is that you learn to love and appreciate me

Because at any moment I can be gone

I can decide to leave and when I do I never come back

I bring poetry and spells into existence

I hold the keys to magic in my hands and only those who are worth it get to see it

Unfortunately there are too many naive minds that are too afraid to see my spark

I was there in the beginning together with the ancient of days

We existed before time
We were in perfect relationship with one other
Never superseding one another

Always balanced always in harmony
Then we created you
We gave you what we've had for eternity

And we put in place for you
Objects and activities to keep you active and give you purpose

We allowed you to experience the glory of it all and we gave you freewill so you don't have to feel obligated or trapped to be with us

We gave it all and said to you
Give it a go

Remember the first time you learnt how to swim,
How the first thing you did before you stepped into the water was breathe in loud.

How when you stepped into the water the fear of the unknown suddenly gripped on you like a tight hug

How you felt when all the air in your lungs was sucked out and you felt dizzy for a few seconds

Because I do
I remember
I remember the reaction you had when you finally sunk your whole body into the water

How you thought to yourselves

"Water is so invasive
It touches me in places I never even know existed on me
It engulfs me and brings me to my tender self
It makes me a child once again
This makes me wish I had lived like this before
Why have I not lived like this before"

And then you opened your eyes
And you saw blue
And just like that the fear returned
And you began to drown

I want you to think about that those 30 seconds of silence in the waters

How you felt appreciative for life in that moment before you opened your eyes

That moment of total silence

An epiphany of life's memories rushing through your mind

I want you to remember it all
the hardships you are facing and are yet to face

Because that is always going to be the answer to the question of ,"Why me?"

Life has no free handouts
But it is a circle

And all the other things that come with it
They are just hurdles and test to see if you will be brave enough to fight to live

If you will stay in your ashes like burnt paper or if you will rise up from the dust like a Phoenix and try again.

Because those are the defining moments that count as life's achievements
They are your glories and legacies.
Focus on that.

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