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I tasted death on the tip of my tongue

It was a fowl bland texture of uneven grains of river sand

The odour of dead carcasses rose from the back of my mouth and into my nostrils

It was revolting

Who's body is that?

hanging loose like a rag doll on a rope

Who's child could that be?

Does anyone know his name?

I looked straight into all their eyes
And their eyes looked back at my mine

And not a word was said
They were all silent

Each peaked at me and said nothing at all

To them this was humiliating

Even our distant relatives were ashamed

They could not even come in to see my body

Our neighbors didn't seem to mind the ceremony

At least the tea was hot and had milk too

Please tell them to stop singing

They'll wake me up

It's horrific

Even my half deaf grandmother can't stand the noise

Mother does my sister know that I am dead?

Does she mourn for me?

I see the tears rolling down your cheeks

Do you feel pain?

Because I did not feel it

Not in that moment
In that moment
I was peaceful and sad
I was empty and free

What did my uncle say?
Does he comfort you?
Or does he say I was an ungrateful child ?

I apologise in his place

Father you seem speechless
I am sorry for your loss
I wonder who comforts you
When you are running the funeral.

Have you had your tea yet
You seem tired
The creases around your eyes and the heavy eyes bags tell a story of loss
I apologise for my cowardly actions
May your heart heal and forgive me.

Rest, am at peace now

To my ancestors
I am sorry to be joining you so early
I hope you accept me
The world you placed me in rejected me

I hope I will be reborn as the ocean in my next life
My family will be all the animals in the waters and the plants would be my food
I would adapt to every environment
And it would take a lot of effort to put an end to me

At least four in every five families in black communities forbid the discussion of suicide
We don't talk about it
We don't say anything about the deceased taking their own life
It's a taboo
A silent one
No one will tell you it is
You are deemed as cursed in your next life if you take your own life
No one cries and no one bids you farewell
At least some believe these are the traditions
How the family survives such a tragedy
Will determine their social standing in the community for generations to come
Because you see
We are broken inside
We are crippled to the core

And the only way out of this is love
We need to learn to love each other
But first we need to love ourselves
It's not easy
Loving is never easy
I believe it's the hardest thing on this earth

Because even at death we are required to love
Nothing else matters if there is no love

It's the life force coursing through our blood

It's the quiet scream of harmony we hear in our minds when we cover our ears and shut our eyes

It's the soft beat of our hearts as we dance to rhythm

We were made out of love
And there is no way we can survive without it

Love may be scary, but it is also beautiful
But above all it is necessary

Truths 25

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