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I closed my eyes and a thousand fireworks went off
I saw the universe in the darkness of my mind
And infinity in the voice of a humming bird
My eyelids closed and it was like a new veil was being lifted
The door to infinity right in my soul
Expanding and drifting in circular motions
I cried and my tears floated in mid air and sparkled like stars reborn
I was immortal
At least I can say my soul was
Then I lifted the veil and I saw with my own two eyes what many wished they could see
Darkness and light separated at the sound of his voice
At that moment day and night were created
Scientists have said that there is a possibility of multiple universes out there that we don't know of
And while they may be busy searching for them out of this universe we live in
I see them everyday when I close my eyes
You may not agree with me but I know you see them too
We're connected to each other
You and your past lives are connected
An infinite lifetime where time does not exist
Where events and moments take place without any pressure
Where sound, melody, and noise all exist in silent space
Where the occupation of one does not affect the existence of another entity
Where gravity and vacuum have no power on anything at all
A place where all power belongs to an infinite creator
One that existed before time
One that created the phenomenon of time
An instrument we use to measure existence of matter
Because at the end of the day
We are all mere mortals
Our flesh and bones are all made of the same material
Blood sweat and tears all fall down and sink into soil and disappear
When we die we decompose
Going back to our original state
Clay without soul
No form of life corsing through our veins
And as the rain falls on us
We wash away and become one with the ocean
That's why when you stand next to the ocean
Your problems seem so small
Because there are billions of souls
In that wave that hits your feet
And they wash away your speck of tears in seconds
Soothing your pains by hugging you with a thousand arms
Giving you boundless love so that you may know that you are not alone
And when thunder roars and lightning strikes
Billions of souls are connecting to create light and sound
A mathematical message turned into a visible reality
How many times will our ancestors speak to us and we ignore them
How many times will we put aside the very essence of richness in knowledge
And still go back and scrap the earth for bits and crumbs
Like an undeveloped species
We hate on each other for vain materials
Segregate and separate ourselves into clans and races when We're all just one species
We believe we are the most intelligent species of all time
But so far we are the only species on planet earth that still has not evolved a new feature that makes us unique
Dolphins developed an instrument on their foreheads so that they can communicate with each other under water
And we still only have five senses
Yet we still don't want to unite and become one
Have you ever wondered why a beautiful song can connect billions of people
It's because we understand music all the same
No matter what language it's played in
Because symphony is a language of the soul
A language that we all understand
And that language is love.

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