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I used to be afraid of the dark
I still am to be honest
But the difference between then and now
Is that now I can open my eyes
I can open my eyes and look at darkness
I can face it's loathing hunger and hatred for light
I am not afraid to fight with every once of strength I have inside of me
For It used to consume me
And I would drown and scream for help but not anymore
I had not realized that my will power was my light
And that light was not overshadowed by darkness
That light was strong
The second I realized that I could burn the darkness with my will power
I fought like it was my last breathe
I screamed out all my syllables of flaming swords and the darkness ran like hell
It screamed as it went up in flames
An unquenchable fire consumed it
It ran but it did not give up on hunting me
It always came back in different forms and shapes
It sometimes disguised itself in the face of my lover, my sisters, or my brother
The only faces it could never take were of my parents
They were very strong anchors and they were my guardian angels
Always fighting for me and never against me
So I say it again
I used to be afraid of the dark
Now I look at it straight in the eye and fight it like it's my last breathe
It will never consume me
It may chase away all and any chance of me falling in love
But it will not take love away from me
For the love that my God has for me it eternal
It existed before time even existed
It was the beginning of time
The word that formed creations and all beings
The eternal flame
The supreme
The "I AM"
And that love is my flaming sword
Fighting all my battles for me
For in the book of Romans chapter 8
The word of God say
"we know that we do not fight against flesh or blood
But against the principalities of the darkness but none of these things can separate us from the love of God that is Christ Jesus our Saviour."

For God is my saviour and avenger
And he will return all the things the darkness has done to me in a thousand folds for generations.

I will however stay true to my God
Now and forever more

Trying my best to follow all his laws and regulations to stay away from sin

Being sympathetic and loving to all my neighbors

For that is what the love of God has done for me

His Grace is forever astonishing
And I pray everyday that he has mercy upon my poor soul

For I wish to have a room in the house of God

There I will dwell with the Angels and the people of God in the house of the Lord

Now and forever more

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