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Can you keep a secret

I can whisper it in your heart

Wrap your ears around my lies

And take you deep into my world

Will you exist with me there?

You see in this place

Am an open book

Everything is exposed

In this place I see everyone for who they are

And I see their traumas like they're mine

I see their envy and their greed

I see their fears and their wickedness too

I see everything

And don't tell me am only imagining things

I know what I see

And it's the truth

I may not know what your gonna say next

But I know what your thinking

In my world the walls can talk

They don't keep secrets

They expose them

It's always therapy one on one

And the victim or the criminal
Normally ends up being the confessor
So you can hide as much as you want
But as soon as our paths cross
You enter into my world
Where the walls talk and all secrets are revealed

I don't even have to go there to hear them

They are like a whisper in the wind
A rain drop on my skin

And suddenly am soaked in stories untold

My walls talk and am sure your do too

Don't tell me what they say

Just listen

They have a lot to say
So listen
It's therapy time

Truths 25

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