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Immortality slapped me in the face and said to me figure it out

I was alive

There was sound, noise, laughter, cries and music

I was a fragment of eternity

Pieces of time unfolded before me like patterns of memory

I was aware and unaware at the same time

As I grew into myself I begun to see everything around me

I tasted sweetness, bitterness, sour, bland, soft, hard, crunchy and pain

And I felt movement of skin, water, insects and bugs, soil and shit

I heard sound and music

I felt laughter vibrating through my stomach

And I watched as others like me grow into themselves too

By then I understood I hated noise and I could communicate

There were symbols and gestures my body had to learn how to do

A language that my tongue muscles practiced into perfection

I was a syllable of existence

An entity within itself trying to figure out who I was

And as I grew into myself I believed I could understand my destiny more clearly

Then I realised I had no fucking clue  who I was meant to be

Often at times when I fell asleep I came face to face with death

We've had a long relationship it and I
So when death looked at me in my eyes I looked back at it

Because I was light and I was ablaze
My fire consumed darkness

And there was everlasting life in my soul

I was power and a reflection of a deity

So even with the strong cluches of wickedness at my feet I still slipped away like air between fingers

I rose up from my grave and I came back to life again

With just a few words of God all mighty

I was alive

He made me in his own image

In his image I was made and my soul is eternal because of him

When I was born into this earth
Right on the second of my birth
I believe I was the truest reflection of God

It is only when I deviate from that reflection that I lost identity and I forgot who I am

And it took all my life to get back to that true reflection

As for others they never find that identity

But for those that do

I imagine it feels complete

To be absolutely certain and content about who you really are

To see and communicate in relationship with your true self

Maybe that's why I pray

Because I want that for myself

I am still on that journey

I may be a long way to go

But I know am on the right track.

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