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Following the death and memory of Gorge Floyd, a black negro man in his thirties that was killed on the streets by a white Caucasian police officer I would like to address the issue at hand of negligence towards black lives in our communities, specifically young black lives.

The topic of racism in a small suburban  town
is highly ignored as no one wants to be seen as pointing a finger, starting a gang, or worse losing their job. Young people in this area are subjected to hatred of their skin colour thus suffering under the vicious system where no one stands for them and all their told is that they need to be strong.

They beg to be accepted into a small retail shop that sells clothes fully aware that the  Chinese boss or Indian or any other race that is not black will eventually start verbally abusing them just so they can control and create a wave of fear amongst employees.

No one speaks about this because no one really wants to be seen in the spotlight, or worse 'lose their job'.

A social injustice that has been ongoing for generation that even our parents have succumbed to. If a young black person is not working in a prestigious  manufacturing, wholesalers, Retailers Or Government ran business then they are automatically deemed as uneducated and inferior to the rest. When they should be seen as young people who need help.

The root of the problem is in our homes, we encourage our black kids to be friends with the white kids in hopes that our black kids will have the same chance of job opportunities as the white kids do in the future. When instead we should be teaching them that they are not to be afraid of success, to work ten times as hard so they can level the plain field because the odds may not be in their favor. When it shouldn't even be that way. They should be treated as equal because they are human.

We thought our forefathers fought this war for us but we are still fighting till this day.

We allow ourselves to succumb to the hatred that they Instil in us by being mean and vicious to our fellow blacks. We fight against each other and cause tribalism and in tribalism is hatred and death.
So many black people in African countries have died due to racism and many of these deaths were hidden behind tribalism.

The tales of tribalism causing thousands of deaths is no fresh plate for many, but for the few that have ignored the effects of tribalism just because they think it not affecting them, the bitter pill of consequences has been feed to them from the very day they were born and whether they want to believe it or not they are still fighting to be equal.

And as if things could not get any worse young black kids in rural areas are left at the brutal hands of poor education, Lack of proper parenting in the sense that making profit becomes more important than the welfare of a child living in a home that sells african beer and harbors drunkards, thieves and sex offenders unregistered neglects the welfare of the child. And I do not speak against homes or families that sell african beer, am simply giving an example . I believe in our tradition of selling and drinking our own liquors, it's an honorary way of life and it surely brings prestige to our different cultures. However most of the kids living under unfortunate circumstances barely even know how to read when they have been going to school for over ten years.

At which when they have to sit for their final examinations of primary leaving exams they fail drastically. And because their guardians never really have backup plans for them most of them end up going back to live in their villages, putting a full halt in their education. And if the child is female, the chances of her falling pregnant at the young age of twelve years old become very high, not to mention contracting the HIV virus.

Parents and teachers can only do so much before the social difficulties weigh heavily on them. They need help but where do they look for this help.

while my story may seem like a one sided circumstantial tale, I speak for all black lives. Black lives do matter and we should help each other up not tear down one another.

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