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If I were to lay my body on the ground and have it meet with the dust it's dearest friend

Would I be able to rise from it and become soul

Would I see the life of this feeble shell

Would I understand the questionable decisions it made without thorough thought of mind

Would I forgive it for its incompetence

I would certainly want to know how it went about in its life

I would watch as this borrowed shell
Made it's way through the temples of monkeys

If it feared it's own shadows and ran at the sight of motionless corpses

I would wonder

If it dug it's nails into the back of its skin and peered from the creak of a window the blood of its own making run down in sickening sight

I would look

At the skinny scrawny legs covered in scars and bruised ankles walk with such zeal as if owning the fucking world

With struts so high and hopes so low
I would see the confidence of a lion and the hidden tears of the scared little pup

I would see this and I would pity

Then I would watch as the shadow of a fool approach this broken shell

And attempt to shatter it for its own benefit
And I would see the dragon with four wings and many eyes rise from it's lair

Then I would see it engulf and burn the little shit of a wolf in sheep skin

And I would sit and wonder

Where all that power came from?

I would meet the wolf in soul and look at it in awe

Then the wolf would look at me
And look away

For I would not be visible in its eyes
For this soul would be a stranger in its flesh
So you would not know who I am.

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