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If I have committed a sin by loving the stars more than their creater then I have sinned indeed

I am but a human being

Following through the crooked and cracked roads of this thing called life

Unsure about anything in particular

Failing at everything and anything I put my hands on

Feeling desire, misery, passion, hate, love and most of all fear

And still getting back up to try again, because I am but a visitor in this life

Just watching the events of every moment fall into place and create memories that stay as the life of a soul that once lived

I don't know where am headed but I know am going somewhere

It's a bit weird but I can tell you this,
I have never been more excited about anything in this life than this moment right here

A moment of self reflection
A moment of self actualization and direction

I now know I have somewhere I have to go

A destination only revealed to my creator

And somehow the coordinates of its direction are engraved into my DNA so that at every waking moment of my life I feel the pressure to Pursue them like it's destiny

I Chase the wind with high notes and a starved mind

I am but a piece of a puzzle inside my mind

I arrange the dominos to every moment that ever meant something to me in a labyrinth pattern

Then I blow a kiss in their direction
And down they go

Tumbling and falling onto each other in a synchronised manner

Playing out like a theater tape on repeat

I am not afraid to fall onto my past mistakes like a dog eating it's own vomit

But I am afraid of meeting the unknown monster in new beginning's

You see often at time we tell ourselves that it's the mistakes in our past that we fear

When we are more afraid of getting out of our nightmares

Because the fear of finding the world way ahead of you and you having to start over and only to fail again is enough to make us stay in our traumas

But we are not victims of trauma

We are survivors

And survivors never stay in their challenges

They move on from them

So while you may be telling yourself your getting better by going back to the very thing that caused you pain
You are actually living in your nightmares

So I suppose the only comfort you can take from this is that

You are but a visitor in this life just
Watching the events of your life pass you by like a ghost on the streets

Allowing yourself to fall into depression  and despair
By refusing to get help when you need it

Acting like the world owes you something when it doesn't

Get out! I say

Find out who you are

Are you the trauma or the present time

Because the trauma is but a brush of memory

You are a miracle.
So smile.

MAGDALINE'S OBSCURE MIRRORS Where stories live. Discover now