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Working on my craft was no easy task

I walked around on eggshells
In fear of never knowing what I could be

You see I was born on the mouth piece of a wind pipe
My voice was like thunder in a vacuum
it's waves resonated into empty space like dust particles in sunlight rays

I created magic with my eyes
And bewitched your imagination
Into my world of glass figures

I was a melody that called you to your destiny, a fantasy

My charms sparkled in your hands and you watched in awe to every step I took like I was a fairy dancing in dust petals

Was this life you thought
If it was then it was beautiful then

So I found myself thinking

"They thought about me
Even when I thought I was invisible"

How I desperately wanted to be invisible

I wanted to exist in my own little bubble of invisibility, because I never saw the beauty that they saw

I would imagine myself in a second person's monologue and here is what I'd think

"They think your beautiful
They see you as beautiful
Some say your unforgettable

Do you see it?

There has to be a part of you that you see as beautiful, some part that exist so deep in your core but you buried away together with the pain so that you could not see what was right in front of you.

It can't all just be blemishes and scars

There's beauty on that cover

Your eyes sparkle with it

Why can't you see it?

The light that shines within you
It's so bright that I can't help but look at it even as it burns my cold eyes

It's a symphony of the soul

And it's heard by the minds of those who forgive themselves

So forgive yourself

Stop punishing yourself for being hurt

The pain is not all that exist

Other things exist too

You've come this far

That should mean something

You won't lose what you never had

So stop living in fear of the unknown

It may not all be transparent at the moment, but everything will make sense someday so until then
Be alive, experience life

Get out of that place you call safe

It's suffocating you

Go and live

It's therapy one on self
Truths 25

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