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"Soon, get her on the table. Liz, take this tube and keep it over there." Drake panicked.

"Where are Ethan and the medic team? He should be back by now." Chris said hurriedly helping Drake lift Katherine to the table.

"What else do you need?" I asked anxiously.

"Umm...Umm." Drake stuttered unable to think straight. "Grab a..a towel and wipe off her blood and Christina hold her still I have to make her heartbeat."

Make her heartbeat? What's that supposed to mean? Chris and I looked confused but did what he said as we were running short on time.

I finished wiping off her blood and helped Chris. Please let her wake. The girl I barely knew risked her life for me and lay unconscious on the floor, it brought tears to my eyes. Drake pulled up his wrists and gently placed his hands in the place between her lungs.

"On the count of three, I am going to give her a quake to wake up her body, okay? She will fret so hold her still." Drake said seriously. We nodded anxiously.

"One...two...three...Now!" From Drake's hands came a wave of vibration that spread through her body quaking it. Mine and Chris's hands trembled along with her's like an impulse of vibration spreading through us. Drake kept on doing it and Katherine as he said moved up and down.

The movement was increasing rapidly, the quake's power gradually decreased, and finally after ten seconds, "Ahhh.." Katherine inhaled heavily opening her eyes wide open. Everyone in the room let a sigh of relief. She was still unstable when she tried to sit up. Drake ordered her to lay still until the medic team arrives.

"You used the quake magic?" Katherine asked surprised, though she was barely strong enough to talk.

"Quake magic?" I asked.

"Like its name, this magic produces a quake from within us transmitting it to the object of our target," Drake said tires. "And it takes lots and lots of energy to do it." He sighed.

"Thank you." Katherine eyed at Drake. He softly nodded back.

Chris and I cleaned up the mess and Drake went check on the mixture. Just when we finished cleaning Ethan arrived with a group of people right behind him. As soon as they set foot inside the lab they started doing their job. They laid out their pieces of equipment, all those sorts of things needed for medical assistance. And immediately tended to Katherine.

"How did she wake up?" Ethan asked me and Chris whilst the medic team was busy doing their job.

"Um, Drake used the quake magic," Chris answered and I bobbed my head.

"Oh, the quake magic. Good thinking." Ethan said pleased. "Where is he?"

"Drake? He went to check the mixture." I replied.

We waited for Drake while watching the medic team. Their way of working was immaculate, they had an order for the health check-up and their cooperation was perfect. Katherine was checked thoroughly for a stable pulse, proper breathing, blood flow, and pressure. Once she was given the green signal, the medic team packed their bags and left. We went up to Katherine. I helped her sit straight. The medic team gave her a green juice which seemed to provide her a lot of energy, at least enough for her to speak and walk.

"Alright, Kat?" Ethan asked.

"Not completely, but I will be." Katherine managed to speak up.

Ethan and Katherine were discussing the other things needed for the transformation, meanwhile Chris and I were still processing the current events. Though they panicked and were in fear, they seem to think and solve the problem with an almost clear head. Like, they have been mentally trained to expect for the worse and solve it somehow. It looked like they are used to these kinds of situations, on the other hand, Chris and I were pretty shaken seeing someone almost lose their life in front of us.

After a while, Drake returned.

"So..." He began staring at our faces. We all looked at him intensely. If this did not work all of it would have been for nothing. "The mixture...Umm..It..." He lagged.

"Speak up," Ethan said frustrated.

"Well, the mixture has the right composition of all the material and ingredients needed for the reaction to be successful. In other words...We did it!" Drake said joyously.

"You are sure that I won't explode?" I asked cautiously.

"One hundred percent," Drake said determinedly. I hope so.

"If all of these chemical problems are solved I have something to say," Ethan said seriously. "Before we came to you two, we three went to Olisen as Liz had something to say to him."

"What is it?" Drake asked me. I narrated the whole incident that happened the day I arrived at the RavenStark building and in Olisen's office today to Drake and Katherine.

"There's a mole among our own?" Katherine shouted in shock.

"That's impossible. No one in Ezra would dare to betray anyone." Drake defended.

"I just said what I heard. Maybe as you say the mole might not even be from Ezra, it may be someone from outside who crept their way in." I said.

"Who could it be?" Katherine said in disbelief.

"That's what we must find out," said Drake. "Olisen has some other pressing issues to attend to, so it's' up to us to figure out what's going on."

"He must have gone to bring back Robert. He was supposed to arrive on the day you did, but unfortunately, he couldn't." Katherine cleared.

"0h, yes, Robert should be here during the transformation." Drake agreed.

"Do you have any idea who it could be? Any weird happenings occurred since the arrival of a specific person?" Christina asked.

"Ezra is filled with weird happenings, but I don't recall anything happening unusually because of a single man," Katherine said thoughtfully.

"Who else could it be? Everyone's common motive is to survive the darkness, then who would want to sabotage us? And for what?" Drake said betrayed.

Ethan was silent, thinking about something serious.

"It must be an outsider, hiding among us following and tracking down our every move. That's the only possible explanation. I don't think anyone we know will stab us in the back." Katherine said disheartened.

"Expect for him," Ethan spoke.

"Him? Who?" I asked confused.

"Resilius," Ethan said in a serious tone.

Drake and Katherine scoffed. "Ethan, yes Resilius is unfit to be in charge of Ezra at the moment, but I don't think he would do any of these things. Betray Ezra? He would never." Katherine said.

"She's right. Resilius has his flaws but I don't think this is him." Drake agreed with Katherine.

"Come on think about it." Ethan persuaded. "The Viktors isn't the original families of Ezra, they moved here just ten years ago. There isn't a single record from where they moved from which is highly doubtful. And ever since he took over there has been a drastic change in the system of entire Ezra. And he has a secret group of people working for him, in which Olisen himself is excluded. These all make it highly suspicious and to round it all off he dislikes Olisen and talks highly of the evil witch herself."

"You are forgetting about the fact that Olisen believed in Resilius when he handed over the reins." Katherine reminded.

"To betray there must be trust Kat. What if Olisen was wrong?" Ethan sounded confident.

"It can't be Ethan. Olisen must have thought thoroughly and would have looked in every direction before taking that decision." Drake disagreed.

"People make mistakes Drake," Ethan said frustrated.

"Maybe he didn't make it now," Drake said back at Ethan.

The conversation heated up. Ethan had his point and so did Katherine and Drake. Both of them seemed to be right in their theory.

"It must be someone else," Katherine said.

"It is him. Why can't you two get it?" Ethan shouted.

"Him? What is going on here!?" A voice bellowed from behind us.

Resilius Viktor.

The RavenStark Quest: AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now